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Posts posted by Furah

  1. I has a response.




    At my school, the cafeteria serves cookies (yes, cookies, like we're 3 years old :roll:). There's this one obese girl older than me. One day I see her come out with 3 cookies. Being obese is entirely her choice. She didn't have to have 3 cookies, but she choose to. Obesity is your choice and/or laziness. Plus, you could diet.




    some people say the amount of food I eat, and how skinny I weigh doesn't match up, truth is, I could do nothing but eat, and still not gain any weight, so motabolism is a big decider in it

  2. ok do you or did you want just 1 partner for your whole life?


    I always have and will have a want for only 1 partner my whole life




    what is the big deal about having so many?


    I don't know, it's completely overrated anyways




    did you go searching for alot of partners(putting it out there)?


    never have searched




    or did you go from relationship to relationship getting laid?






    would you take your virginity back?


    I haven'tlost it




    who would you give it too?


    my future wife




    if stds didn't exist how many partners would u have?






    and btw, I made them decisions myself, I don't let others make my decisions for me

  3. Nice pics godess. I hope that your birth goes well, and I call dibs on bringing him up on computer games before Lenin tries to take him.




    I need a camera >.<






    awww, I wanted to teach him ninja skills first, oh well it'll have to wait till last... :lol:






    [hide=forgotten how to resize -.-]10pcy6c.jpg[/hide]




    replace A please?


    ...Fanbase? The Bible was sort of written for the Christian religion.





    that isn't true, the Jewish Bible does not have the New Testament because they do not want to believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and the Catholic Bible has had parts added to it so the Pope could make money out of Catholics 'paying' for their sins (forgot the term)




    I don't see any point in even attempting to debunk the Bible - it simply cannot be done. A few days ago, I had an argument with a theist over whether God has the power to do anything. Even though the term 'omnipotence' does not technically mean a being has the ability to do anything, there are direct biblical references to God being able to do anything. He dismissed them as 'mistranslations', so I referenced a few other translations. All erroneous. In the end, I'd offered like 15 quotes, and he'd denied them all.




    If Christians don't cherry-pick the parts that suit them, they'll just outright deny the bad parts, which is just as pitiful.




    not always true, and I dislike how people often use the weakest link to act as the average of something especially if the person does not know much about the perticular subject (I myself only know a small fraction of the bible, but as I have a few friends that try to find out as much as they can about the Bible then I can go to them if I do not understand something, or if I am unable to answer someones question)




    if there is something about the Bible you would like to know I am always happy to chat, and if I am unable to get you an answer I WILL find someone who will, even if I have to walk interstate to find the answer

  5. When I get capped; I pack up my computer and move to a friends place untill the next billing cycle starts. I have no choice, I need the down/up speeds for work.




    why not get unlimited download?I know it can get expensive, but the best part is you get to put it down for tax return :thumbsup:

  6. What's that sin called...oh ya, gluttony!




    Surely false advertising is a sin?




    To be honest, if I saw someone give me a mean look like that I would take one more refill, on the house. 8-)




    so would I






    (off topic)


    I just love your avvy, it always makes my day go to :D :lol:

  7. currently on dial-up speed because our download limit has been reached, again :roll: . So I thought I'd ask what you guys do when you're forced to do when on dial-up speed, and what good things you miss out on.




    for me I have to wait forever for a site to load and hope that it doesn't time out :wall: and the things I miss out on are Xbox LIVE, downloading stuff (do you guys have any idea how long it takes to get Photoshop Pro 7 from the Adobe site? well I don't I gave up after an hour), browsing any picture intense thread, and the comfort of good internet speed

  8. I can remember us getting rid of the apple computer and getting a windows computer (was either 98,2000 or XP) and when dial-up was new (atleast in the area) and playing on a site that had a build in GameBoy type thing,and I played Mario and the original Pokemon, because I didn't have a GameBoy, was fun times... <3:


    You do realise by "get" I meant "assigned to bring to her house,without being allowed to do anything?Although I do tend to break rules from time to time...




    oh, good job of word manipulation \'


    we seem to alike, I tend to break the rules aswell ::'

  10. OMG Cassanova, how do you get girls? I've been trying with one girl for like 6 months... and I've only failed... -.-
    Probably because they're drunk.


    -.- how will I get that to work on someone who won't touch alcohol for atleast 3 years, if she ever will drink any?

  11. Some times when people get drunk,and the bouncers are off sending others home,I get to do it.I've a small reputation of getting the hottest girls too. \'




    OMG Cassanova, how do you get girls? I've been trying with one girl for like 6 months... and I've only failed... -.-

  12. I've always thought I learned faster than other people. I pick up new things faster, and so people think I'm better than them, but I'm not - I'm just learning faster.




    So I end up being bored in school and stuff a lot, and people always come to me for help, because I'm finished. I learned it all the first run through


    Hey same here :P




    Let's see... I can sleep "on command" (in other words: fall asleep whether I'm tired or not). I'm not bad at guitar, math and science I guess.. umm.... I can put my leg behind my head? :mrgreen:




    teach me the fall asleep one? I can't seem to sleep... oh and the leg behind my head would be cool too... :lol:

  13. Vanilla Coke > Coke > Pepsi Max > Pepsi > Coke Zero




    I wish they still sold Vanilla Coke!




    they don't sell it in NZ? I will help you, for a price :XD: (should be able to retire at 20 if I play my cards right)

  14. My big bro used to be. To the point where he had up on his walls and you heard odd sounds at night.




    JUst remembered some more of mine. My cat has bi-polar. She comes and sits on the computer and you stroke her, she purrs, then growls, then purr-growls. Kinda odd. She also sleeps on the modem. I think that's why I lag so much *facepalm*




    Oh, and my sister. She checks my txts. One was like "So your gonna birthday [bleep]?" She read it and....um...well...She was extra alert that night.




    wow, talked about owned, anyways, I swear most of my family has mental issues, eg; youngest sister seems to have multiple personalities, I swear she has ADD, my other sister seems to have a fear of being socially challenged, and they both locked themselves in their room when mum tried to talk about homeschooling, I am highly aggrivated, and I swear my mum has OCD

  15. don't feel too bad, I'm still waiting for my arms to catch up with the rest of my body (including my hands and fingers) I seriously have small fingers, and my friends laugh about my biceps being smaller then theirs, but my legs, they're a different story, I have so much power in them my mate recons I wouldn't need a battering ram to break into a house ::'




    Its not about physical shown strength, its about the core strength. I've seen some of the smallest guys do some amazing stuff during PT. Like 30+ pullups.






    lol, I am physically strong, but my arms still need to catch up with my body, to be in porportion of lean body, not a muscular one

  16. Cherry Coke was just orgasmic when it was around, but now I can't find any.




    yeah, but they stopped it, it is a limited time only thing -.- lets spam them asking to bring it back!!!!!

  17. I myself prefer coke, me and a good friend of mine will occasionally organise to go the servo near school (that's right, Mage is back at school!) before school starts, we ALWAYS get vanilla coke, if theres 1 left it's who gets it 1st

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