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Posts posted by Giant_Torti

  1. A big THANK YOU!! for your interest and replies.




    [hide=Lengthy Reply in here]


    Those veggies look really well grown. I was expecting sort of second-rate standard but those just look like the ones you get from a supermarket! Nice work! :shock:




    Thank you! Although I must confess to showing the 'best of batch' but 100% of everything thats edible gets eaten, no wastage here!





    Every plant I've ever tried growing has died. Our backyard is tiny (as in, literally big enough to fit a bikeshed and a washing line into), and is filled with concrete slabs. It's also in the middle of a cramped, terraced Victorian-style housing block, with our yards sectioned off by 6 feet high brick walls. No soil, no moisture, no light.




    That must be really frustrating, there are plants that can withstand a limitation in either of the three, but I'm certain that there isn't anything yet that will grow like that.




    That's a very nice story Torti, glad you got it solved out.




    Everything looks good, specially the cucumbers and the potatoes :thumbup:, glad to see that your new (Not extremely) hobby gave something nice in return.







    Thanks, yeah it does help, there's nothing quite like the quiet solace of watching the sunset after tending to the plants.




    Question : now with your new vegetables how will the recipe on Torti soup look like?




    Answer: Torti's are NOT for eating ! :-D




    Very nice job! I've never been able to grow cucumbers myself, they always dry up and die whenever I try to harden them off (even if they're started at the right time). I've been very successful with tomatoes and lettuce however, besides a little aphids while they were in flats.




    And the potatoes - I've heard those can be a real pain because they're a pest magnet. I'll have to try growing those one day.




    Again, very nice garden. ::'




    I'll be honest and say that I do get some advice from other websites, books and other allotment owners, so its a wealth of knowledge to pool into.




    The trick with potatoes (so it would seem) is to plant them in not too wet soil and make sure there are no great variances in dampness over the months they grow, otherwise you can end up with 'funny' shaped ones or even worse rotten potatoes.




    Awesome! The weeds in my new garden are also about a metre tall. I may also have to "nuke" them ;)




    This is the stuff I used




    Awesome. :)


    Just wondering, are you doing this as a form of employment, or just as a hobby? Either way, looks like you've been really successful. Keep up the good work!






    Its just a hobby. There are far too many 'Gardeners' that have more experience/equipment in my local area to even begin thinking about going self employed.


    Thanks for the encouragement though.




    Wow nice!


    Cucumbers and everything!




    I have two questions:


    I saw you had some big potatoes, were they just randomly that big? Because my dad always plant some potatoes, but they have never gotten that big. Maximum size is maybe 10-20% smaller than a normal roun tomato, but the most of them are like really small.



    Well not all potatoes tend do grow at the same rate, depending on the hardness of the soil, dampness, nutrients, etc. We had mixed batched with some 'as big as my fist' and a few that didn't warrant peeling, but were nice enough boiled with a bit of parsley on.




    And, me and some friends have been thinking of (just for fun) buying a tobacco plant, to see if it'd be possible to get a cigarr out of it. I think they sell it here (Sweden). But how hard do you reckon it would be?


    (of course you gotta check what sort of soil, which type of plant and get a green house)




    Hmm you know I'm not too sure, but I guess if it can be done, you could give it a whirl.




    How an allotment can get you out of depression?




    Well I guess its partly the sense that something, not a person has a dependence on you, also theres nothing like doing some good hard grafting (try digging clay soil by hand) and the end result of having something nice and healthy to eat as well helps.




    awesome work, Torti! great job mate <3: :thumbsup:




    Cheers matey! ;-)




    Wow nice job! Really interesting to read, especially as my dad and I started growing things this year. Bit restricted though as we have about 5 square metres to grow things in, just got tomatoes and beans. If you have any tips I'd love to hear them :)




    Hey thanks. Hmm the one thing I would say thats important about tomatoes is to make sure they have enough space and also that they are regularly well watered, gaps in watering can result in nasty split tomatoes which can sometimes harbour rot and bugs. As for beans it depends on what type?[/hide]




    For those that would like to continue to watch the works I post all my pictures to my public flickr account here.




    Thanks again! <3: =D>

  2. Heya guys 'n' gals of tip it forums.




    Some of you have asked in the clan chat about my gardening antics at my allotment so I thought I'd start a thread up here for you to view what I'm growing, how things are progressing and for you to maybe give feedback, give suggestions, ask questions or just read and view in general.




    How did it begin?


    A fair enough question, about three years ago I was suffering with a unhealthy and unnatural dose of depression and didn't really have that much in the way of hobbies apart from what I was doing on the PC. After a bit of nattering with my counsellor and some brief enquiries with the Local Government, I found that I could rent an allotment rather cheaply (less than £30 per year) and that one was available immediately.




    With the necessary paperwork signed and gate key issued, I inherited the mess of my allotment.


    It measured roughly 12 metres in width by 52 metres in length. The weeds were roughly 1.5 metres tall and looked like something out of a old Vietnam war movie.




    Initially, with the help of my parents and one of my dads workmates we set about cutting down all the weeds with a commercial grade strimmer. Once the weeds had cut back we had to make a collective decision on how we were to remove the roots of weeds. Some people had tried laying carpet and digging up by hand, with varied mixed results.




    I gave it a go myself, but in the end I felt I was fighting a losing battle and succumbed to the 'dark side' and decided to basically nuke the site with sodium chlorate.




    This stuff kills everything, no holds barred, so I had to be very careful in its application. Eventually we got the plot looking something like agricultural and began planting a mixture of different vegetables, cabbages, cauliflowers, radishes, etc with varying degrees of success.




    Recently I have been given a shed by my grandparents and we have also managed to buy a greenhouse very cheaply, in which we are growing a mixture of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and flowers.




    We've also started to enjoy some nice potatoes which despite the bad weather at the beginning of the year, have come out really well and taste that much better than shop purchased ones.




    I've also grown some sunflowers (all from seed) and some of the tallest ones are just slightly taller than me (6'5") and there flower heads have just started coming through.




    If you've enjoyed reading this, or want to leave me a question or nice comment, please feel free to do so.




    Here's all those pictures. Apologies in advance to dial-up users :( .




    [hide=Sunflower seedlings]2516969648_f733f4b549.jpg[/hide]




    [hide=Broad beans]2516148721_695c7205eb.jpg[/hide]








    [hide=Cucumbers & Spuds, walrus bucket]2675116423_ef2e55455b.jpg[/hide]




    [hide=Lots of lettuce]2704795868_e3cc43ba87.jpg[/hide]












    [hide=Tall sunflowers]2703971155_924e615502.jpg[/hide]




    Hope you enjoyed reading 'n' viewing! :D

  3. I'm sure there has been a thread on this before?








    One of my exe's at the unpleasant ending of a relationship that had run it's course decides to land me in a huge heap of trouble.




    She decides to have a few one-nighter's with a married man, inevitably, she's caught. The wife of said married man decides to give her the pasting of a lifetime.




    Suitably bruised and battered, she starts parading her wounds around the college I was attending and also most of the pubs and clubs I used to frequent basically telling people that it was yours truly that had done this.




    Going out for a while got a little bit interesting, the ol' bill nearly got involved.




    After the heat died off and I got suitably minded for it, well, lets just say I wouldn't have wanted to be her postman.

  4. Welcome to Runescape.




    Unfortunately, there's plenty of these idiot players that get there sad little jollies on by running other players down.




    Sounds like you just met one.

  5. Irrespective of whether you don't and I do feel charging for item lending is immoral, its against the rules.


    Sure you or anyone else for that matter, can keep rolling the dice with respect to the rules, scraping money from other players, but eventually the odds will inevitably turn against you and the rest of us will chuckle heartily at the posts in the 'I was unfairly muted/banned' thread.





    Oooh, touch a ickle nerve did I? :roll:




    Yeah, stupid people do that to me :lol:




    Is that all you got? Come on, I'll take your best shot. If the best your up to is calling me stupid, who's the mug risking there account just for the shallow profit of the pursuit of wealth, only for it all to be taken away with no recourse?

  6. or how bout another "skill" related to rares,


    Go suggest it to the right people?




    or how bout another "skill" related to rares, using your own vast wealth to buy a rare and then let others use for a VERY small fraction of that cost.


    A trust trade is still a trust trade, even if its for a 'VERY small fraction of that cost'.




    And undertaking of an act without tangible gain? By that you mean doing something to get money?


    Well done, yes, though not necessarily money on every occasion.




    Well that contradicts what you said earlier about buying and selling rares.


    No, not really. If you want to permanently move item-x to your account, you have to part with amount-y in value, if you manage to convince someone else at a undefined period of time later to pay amount-z which is higher, this could be put down to your skill in buying/selling.


    Renting a item in manner that has been described here and on the RSOF, along with the current trading system is considered a form of trust trading.


    So now buying or selling anything is against the "spirit of the game". What is the GE for?


    Were you unable to read my previous post in its entirety? You asked me to 'enlighten' you on what I felt the spirit of the game is, I specified that its usage was dependent on the context of how it is being applied.


    I didn't say buying or selling was against the spirit of the game, so wise up and try not to put words in my mouth eh?

  7. Press it into use by skilling with it or sell it.




    So I'm assuming you've come up with a method to skill with a party hat? I find your post extremely stupid. How is it "against the spirit of the game". You seem to know what your talking about so do enlighten us on what "the spirit of the game" is.




    Oooh, touch a ickle nerve did I? :roll:




    Well since you've decided to mention rare's as an example, you'll no doubt be aware that there is and continues be a market for these items, one way of skilling with these types of items is to predict/guess/calculate or similar the rise or fall in price of said item for trading resulting in the owner gaining more wealth. The act of demonstrating the command of the accumulated wealth, ie, buying and selling these items is the logical progression of obtaining the skill in the above. Does that fit into your description of skill?




    Spirit of the game? Depends on the context, but I think here its undertaking of a act without seeking a tangible gain. If you like charging for every least thing you do in this game, fine by me and all that, but the community at large don't expect to be billed for every nice thing that happens to them.




    Edit: I did also put 'or sell it' in case you phailed to observe that?

  8. It seemed pretty obvious that they wouldn't allow "renting" items to other players by charging cash. They'll surely add this rule somewhere soon.



    No rule to add, its a form of 'trust trading' and therefore reportable in the time honoured tradition.




    Here's what one forum mod had to say.




    Don't like it? Don't lend would seem to be the answer.




    Imo, even if it wasn't against the rules, charging for lending an item is against the spirit of the game and defeats the object of doing a friend a favour. You want your item to make you money? Press it into use by skilling with it or sell it.


    Thank you for reading my rant.


    Your welcome.




    Hopefully it'll stop for you when you hit the legendary 99.


    Although, that said I bet there's someone lurking somewhere that would say "OMG Thats not your cape!!!!one1111!!!!!".

  10. Well some fairly vivid imaginations here, fer sure.


    Here's mine.(Its lengthy, but bear with me, its worth it)




    I would require no weapons, per se, just a huge amount of duct tape, a rotting leg of beef on a rope, a hefty wrench and a broken/cracked light bulb.




    First of all I'd shinny up to the highest spot in the building and tie the rotting leg of beef just slightly out of arms reach to the zombies.




    Then I'd set about closing and duct taping all the windows, doors whilst the zombies are busying themselves with the leg of beef.




    For the finale I'd find the gas main, wrench the valve off and then let the place fill up nicely with gas, then put the broken bulb in a mains outlet, then flick a switch. Adios zombies.




    Song: POD-Boom


    Partner: Bruce Willis, just for the 'Yippee-kay-aye' line at the end.

  11. Its a shame that some high level players don't enjoy questing, they can unlock some fairly exclusive parts of the map and also weapons.




    Your idea is interesting, but botters/gold farmers/etc have one thing in common, they don't mind grinding vast amounts of xp's on levelling skills, your idea would therefore be open to exploitation because of this.




    To be honest since these and the other changes were released, I don't know anyone on my friends list that has been adversely affected by this particular issue.

  12. And we could care less about pures like you who insist on living with the past.




    Shut up you moron.








    So instead of coming back with a noteworthy reply you went straight for the 'lets get nasty and personal' option. Outstanding.




    If anyone has bothered to read and understand the detailed Development Diary on this subject, they would understand why the changes were made and also why they'll never revert them.




    Its a shame that even after eight months, people are still refusing accept that those changes and the ongoing development of this game are anything other than permanent.

  13. I think the human's at JaGex Towers have better things to do than review the innumerate and possibly/probably abusive replies from angry players that have been fairly and squarely caught out in the time honoured tradition of the 'report abuse' button.




    I'm surprised that you didn't earn yourself at least a temporary or even permanent mute with that little outburst.




    If the experience of receiving a proportionate disciplinary award for a infraction of easily understood game rules has had adverse 'mental and in-game experience' maybe you should review whether you should be playing this game at all.




    As for concocting a fairy tale about a cat being responsible for your actions, epic phail.

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