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Posts posted by tryto

  1. i think everyone on tip.it is at least 20+ combat besides the skillers..or autoers... :notalk:




    not really needed




    But the skilllers have main accounts probably. And i hope there's no autoers on tipit, :shame: :shame: , nice guide anyway, kinda funny.


    Just work on the grammer a bit maybe.


    -Maybe add little tricks, like in Lumbridge if you have 10 gold you can run through the Al Kharid gates escaping all evil doers and morons.





    If your over lvl 35, i expect that you have done Prince Ali rescue, and don't need the 10 gps, you'd have to be over that lvl to have noobs following you, unless your're a skiller wearing elegant or something.




    On-Topic:Pretty good guide, 8/10, some pics of macroers maybe, and maybe keep on one post, but humourously written and some good tips in there

  3. Sapceballs




    Dark Helmet: Fire a warning shot across her nose.


    {hits ship}


    Dark Helmet: Careful, you idiot, I said across her nose, not up it.


    Crosseyed Gunner: Sorry, sir, I'm doing my best.


    Dark Helmet: Who made that man a gunner?


    Crosseyed Major: I did, sir. He's my cousin.


    Dark Helmet: Who is he?


    Colonel Sandurz: He's an [wagon], sir.


    Dark Helmet: I know that! What's his name?


    Colonel Sandurz: That is his name, sir. [wagon], Major [wagon].


    Dark Helmet: And his cousin?


    Colonel Sandurz: He's an [wagon] too, sir. Gunner's mate First Class Philip [wagon]!


    Dark Helmet: How many [wagon] have we got on this ship, anyhow?


    [The entire bridge crew, except for one person, stands up and raises a hand.]


    Entire Bridge Crew: Yo!


    Dark Helmet: I knew it. I'm surrounded by [wagon]! Keep firing, [wagon]!




    (typed it on Word first then pasted, cause i wanted to keep it fo rmyself too, and it was long)

  4. Classic Rock for life, i cant listen to anything really, that came out after 1992. LIstening to Led Zeppelin 3 right now, all acoustic, their worst album but still pretty damn good. (Dont know why people think theyre


    Heavy metal, 1/3 of their stuff is acoustic.)


    PS-look at my sig, Doors for life!




    -Grateful Dead


    -Allman Bros






    -Jefferson Airplane


    -Cream/Eric Clapton


    Very shortened list of my playlist for the last couple hours

  5. The very end of white Rabbit, by Jefferson airplane, teh rising sound just blows my eardrums off. It's so high pitched


    Oh, and the line-"there's the store where the creatures meet, i wonder what they do in there?", sounds so weird, just love it. It's the way Jim Morrison says it that does it.

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