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Posts posted by tryto

  1. The reason the price has fallen is that everyone in f2p knows that this is by far the fastest xp, and they are all selling airs. Not many ppl are buying them, so ppl have to acceptr low prices.There is an oversaturation of air runes in the market.

  2. You want to be be careful favoriting it. If its a freqwuently viewed/bumped topic you're fine, but if it's not bumped, it could be deleted. You might want to save it like a screenshot,, press (print screen in top right corner of keyboard, go to paint,paste it, and save it as an image, if you want to keep it long into the future.

  3. George Bush, 7 years after losing teh presidency, will sneak into gov't headquarters, and nuke 18 nuclear powers, they will retaliate aginst each other, and few countries will survive, including Switzerland, and umm..thats about it.About 50 years after that, the human race will be extinct, due to switzerland having a low birth rate. You can switch around anmes and dates, but teh basic idea will be the same.

  4. :-k I don't agree with some of that, with 90 wc you can get a magic log ever 0.2 sec. Thats a full load pretty fast, yews are faster but magics I think would give more exp in the long run.




    I wish i could get a magic log every 0.2 secs, id be a gazillionaire. actaully, i have 99 woodcutting, so i should get one every 0.1 sec right?Thats what, 600 logs a minute? 36k logs an hour?Say about 30k, for banking. sell for 1k ea, so tahts about..30,000,000..30M an hour!!Wow im rich. Money to burn!!!!Burn i tell you.!!!!LOL.


    On-topic=O.K. guide, but nothing i couldn't ahve gotten direcctly off tip.it


    wcing and fming guide, no pics, no sugestions of where to burn.3/10

  5. or you could pay 3 gp and tan them, and then sell for 250 ea on official forums crafting section




    This is hell work. I did 1k of them, in 2 days, iand i was bored out of my mind.Especially if you're going to sell them , then you just despair. I do anyways.It's my idea of hell. :-k

  6. Members seem to care what updates f2p gets. Let's think about that one. They can still use it, and it doesn't affect them in any way.Members get about 4 updates a month. Jagex can give f2p 14 more spaces,and members could get 140, and the RSOF would still have rants on it.

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