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Posts posted by tryto

  1. Yes. All the gang members that shoot people buy their guns completely legally, sign all the papers, and register their identities.




    Right.This wouldnt do anything but hurt legitimate gun owners.


    I bet most of teh guns used to kill people are illegally bought and sold anyways. Its a political bill, just for show. Puh-Lease.




    Well, here in Canada, handguns are illegal, but Toronto is the fastest growing murder rate in the 3rd World.






    Well you see, a new supply or way of obtaining dragon wepons would be introduced. now say the spawn time is 4 hours (rough guess) (rune is 30 minutes roughly depending on how full a world is). I can personally garantee that someone will be at that rock(s) 24/7, on every world. so if 6 ores are mined per world ( in one day ) with 144 worlds thats 864 dragon ores per day. Thats a lot of dragon weapons, so sure it will definatly have an affect and that with only 1 dragon rock per world i magine if there were more than one spawn :shock:




    Well, it would be p2p only, so thats a lot less. I still see your point though.

  3. i only know like, I mahatma I, and maybe Gngstrprt2(sp?)


    Gangsterprt2 I think it's spelt, but yeah he's good. More- Elvemage, Fear Figment, Kids Ranqe, 3_Hit_U and my friend Times Up Nub. <3:




    Wasnt elvemage the one who hired people to trai his accountfor him?


    I dont call that respectful.

  4. ^ Spam, Mod will either lock or delete the spam posts. The rules of the forums clearly says no spam, it will not be tolerated. I suggest you read over those RULES, might save you some trouble in the future. :uhh:




    Havent you noticed that many people are double or triple posting lately?


    Its this random debug error that happens sometimes when you try and post.It enters your post several times, i think.




    (even though his post is knd of spammy, its not that much.

  5. Those and treasure trails items are the only ones i know of. The gloves are fairly easy to sell in low quanities, but ive had around 200 for some time now.I havent tried selling any since i sold about 200 in about an hour.Im just kinda lazy i guess.




    If you want , ill sell u some of mine for 700 ea.Pm mountain_jam.

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