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Posts posted by tryto

  1. I've never tried flesh crawlers before, why do people suggest them? They only have 25hp...




    Do they respawn quickly or something?




    Theres a hell of a lot of em, they auto attack no matter what your level is.


    You dont have to pay attention that much. You can kill em quickly, so fast xp.




    EDIT: also, their max hit is one.

  2. High alch is the fastest xp the less expensive.


    Good things to alch: steel pl8 bodies, mith pl8 bodies and rune med helms.


    Or if you are a millionnairy, you can alch feathers. WAY much expensive but its not long to buy supplies.




    WHY would You alch feather??!! it would be much faster and probably cheaper as well to Fally Teloport

  3. Guthan's is best for training slayer, Dharok's is best for str training, Veracs is best for KQ, Torags has best overall def, but is not that great.


    Karils isnt very good,(same att bonus as black d hide), Ahrims is decent for mage.




    I prefer Dharoks, as i dont train slayer very much.





    I've already tried enchantment, that was absolute hell. It took 3 days to do 2k enchants.




    Iron dragons: Don't I need to take anti-dragon pots in there? If not, I'd definitely do that! Perhaps I'll even do fire strikes on them if I don't need any pots or anything.




    Also, the more hp the better, I'm currently almost 83 hp, and I'm going for 95 or 99.




    Also, stuns are not the path for me, I need 90k, which is equal to 27m, 7m over my budget.




    I suppose I can do high alchs, although if there's a faster or cheaper method, I'd rather do that.




    Yes, you do need anti-fire pots. But, if u get a dragon drops, it can pay more many casts.If you get lucky, and get a few, then you can even gain money.Its better to use bolts, as then you use less pots.

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