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Posts posted by tryto

  1. I'd do range because it would be easier to buy X amount of bronze arrows and kill hobgoblins by the craft guild.




    If you decide to mage crumble undead wearing full rune and kill the skeletons in varrock sewers. You will splash every time don't worry.




    Good Luck!






    Range is cheap+fast






    why would you want to splash crumble undead? You gain exp for the danage you do. The only reason I would even consider splashing it is if I was a member, and had a slayer staff (which can autocast crumble undead). True afk training :thumbsup:




    He probably means curse

  2. no way! I enjoy alching while casting spellbook swap every time. (note i do nto hav e96 mage, nor have i done either lunar quest)


    Seriously, if i had done the quests, and wasnt f2p at the moment, id be on lunar, as i dont combat mage much, and i usually use jewellery for teles.

  3. We - that is, myself and my drunk at the time uni buddies - called it The Annihilator.




    It is created in this way:




    1. Take a block of salted butter.


    2. Wrap it in bacon.


    3. Deep fry it.


    4. Put it on a pork chop.


    5. Put a fried egg on top.


    6. Put it inside a shell of pork crackling.


    7. Cover this in chocolate sauce.


    8. Deep fry it.


    9. Salt liberally.


    10. Put this in a bed of meringue.


    11. Pour six melted cheeses of your choice over the top.


    12. Deep fry it.


    13. Death.




    I know you're going to think im weird, but im actually drooling. I think ill take out the egg, and make one tonight.(dont have any eggs in the house)


    Just paid my insurance , so im set.!

  4. Yea, go with iron, but a lot of people go to al kharid. if you can't find an empty world after try a few others, run to southeast varrok mines, and try using the 4 iron rocks there. although you have to run around, and you steal iron away from newbs, you don't have that much competition.




    Go To Varrock ,lots of People havent noticed the fact that he's a LVL 3 SKILLER!!The Al-kharid scorps will kill him.There might be a better place in mems for powering, but im f2p right now.

  5. Use tip.it combat calc, it will tel you how many of certain lvls u need to lvl up. Ranged or magic weill be the most.Since you plan on raising it anyways, just train ranged until you are about to go up a combat.(make sure you use a hp gaining method, ir. not a cannon.)

  6. Inflation, though not a positive thing is not all that bad for the economy. It just means that more people can buy things, theres more cash, and items cost more. However, there is so much money, that it doesnt really matter, each gp is just worth a little less.The worse thing taht can happen is everyone has milions upon millions in their bank, an deverything costs hundereds of k .


    However, deflation is much worse. It can bring a complete stop to the economy, as very few people will have enough to buy anything of value.


    Everyone will hoard their cash, like in the Great Depression. Almost everyone will eventually become almost self-sufficient, and instead of selling the finished product, there is no market, so they will use it themselves.Almost no money will change hands, which is what is bad for the economy.

  7. You could go for an iniatiate pure, rune pure, barrows pure, or a staker. But if u only want one def, then i guess youre runed. One extra def lvl prob doesnt even gain u a combat anyways so it doesnt matter.

  8. Both China and Russia has said no to enforcing economic sanctions so yet again things like this happen and go unpunished.




    As you were probably aware already, China and Russia don't exactly have a track record of proper human rights, they couldn't care less if protesters die in Myanmar as long as the junta keeps purchasing chinese weapons and russian aircraft




    I don't know the economic situation between Myanmar and China/Russia, but isn't it worst for the citizens when there are economic sanctions? They would only be able to buy domestic made goods and that cuts back on a lot of competition.




    Axctually, its probably more the Russian Weapons, ever heard of an AK-47?




    ^Only at federal lvl, here in Toronto theres a big debate why the politicians are raising taxes, and cutting services a few eeks after voting for a 25% pay increase for themselves.

  9. Its possible to do Knights sword as a skiller, one of the rewards from taht is a blurite sword, which is slightly blue.(at least then an iron 2h)Just remember to have retaliate off and just bring your pik.You should also get the blueish canifis gloves that you can buy from ppl for around 2k

  10. Adamant and Mithril are from LOTR. Bilbo gives Frodo a Mithril chain mail. I remember reading one of the poems in it that said something about adamant.




    One of the three rings of the elves is made of adamant. But its a gem, not an ore in LOTR.

  11. Well as i'm f2p the hardest thing i could do it try to get a pk. I guess everything else is just time consuming.




    Very true, Runecrafting and Prayer aren't hard to train they just require patience. It's being able to get a Wilderness kill that is a real challenge. An immature pure runs up to you and attacks you. They get mad that you are fighting back instead of just taking it, and they get even madder when you use Deffence or Prayer, or even eat food. THESE FEATURES ARE MENT TO BE USED! So just suck it up and deal with it!




    Also, even if you get a kill, all trhe pures only hav eone thing tahts worth anything, their weapon, and most of them protect it, just like they get mad when you do

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