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Everything posted by Lordtunkuta

  1. hunt makes easy and fast money to
  2. hunt boi! raise ur hunt to 63. hunt red chins, sell em on forums easy money
  3. curious, but whats the fastest way to train range from lvl 30 to 65
  4. yea u should try barrows, theres a kwl barrows guide using only veracs, try looking around the main site to 4 1
  5. any advice on which monsters ur talking about?
  6. are experiments the best place for fast, easy and safe xp in the game? also should i continue to train on them? :?:
  7. siho village only lessens the time it take to craft nats :?
  8. either experiemtns or those tortises north of the gnome maze. i find them good xp.
  9. i know farseer has better def than mystic hat
  10. one of my friends said that if u already did heroes, u can help sum1 with the part where u need 2 people again. is this true? :-k
  11. :XD: i was wondering which barrows ( melle) armour i should choose. i mean torrag is good for def, but effect is crap. dh has a good effect, but only works when hp is low. verac hits through pray and def but i dont really pk or fight high lvls monsters. guthans(current) steals hp, but once again, i dont really fight high lvl things. what would be the best armour for me to choose/keep?
  12. therye good for purs. but for higher lvls i guess, experiments r the way to go
  13. but r they any methods to make the chins walk into the box faster etc
  14. wtf do eatser eggs do anyway
  15. im sorta getting tired of hunting at red chins, i mean y not imps or black sallys. is there any faster way than red chins, or any way to increase my hunting speed of red chins!
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