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Everything posted by Maxana32

  1. Same thing use to happend to me, guess it still goes on.
  2. You can have more than 1 clue in invi? Thought it wouldn't allow it :shock: Guess you got from casket, right?
  3. I find that the combat level come faster when training slayer instead of azs, bandits, etc. plus it's a great way to make some money :)
  4. Don't really like it tbh. You are like a pyramid, going from big at the bottom, to very small at the top (phat makes your head very little IMO). Master smither had an outfit similar to this a while ago too, and I didn't like it either. It just seems that phat + 3rd age mage doesn't go well. I agree, sadly :( Maybe you could try a skill cape to even out the balance your top to your bottom.
  5. I keep my weight at 0kg (regen brace, staff, etc.), but i wear an ardy cape instead of spotted/spottier cape. Should i change this?
  6. i read someplace that 75+ is suggested, but will it make that big of a difference if i stay at 70?
  7. I've been training agility for a while now. Wanted to raise it for my run will recharge faster while I'm going ZMI runs. I use the lunar banking method, with full bank/deposit all. I was wondering what agility level should be good enough so that I won't need to rest during my trips, or bring a terrorbird familiar with me.
  8. I love how these types of people think that they can "hack" someone that has a 120+cmb acc, and believe that the entire time they have been playing RS, they don't know not to give their information to people :rolleyes:
  9. Wow, congrats :o where's the bank vid? can't find it :x
  10. Me too, but we're both 99 prayer so we don't really care much for prayer xp anyway ;) But it's still invaluable to an F2Per. Would be, if it were not members only. ;) Isn't it still great for members, if you go camp baby dragons? I would love to have this. Pretty beneficial while at bandits, armored zombies, or doing slayer. I would still collect the dbones for altar, but that 4.5 exp and 15 exp per kill can really add up, saving money. I tend to be a greedy player, so every bit of saved cash makes me happy :P Sadly, only 11 dung atm, and I can't manage to get a decent amount of tokens/game yet :(
  11. Made Shahdie do that as apart of the TET Slave auction, lol. 'Cause you're pro like that.
  12. Only tried it cause it was my slayer task. Might try again in a few years or so.
  13. is probably playing RuneScape or MW2 :)

  14. does jagex msg you back after they have gotten your info? or do they just mail you?
  15. Last time i check, It always said something like MMORPG by Jagex or something. When'd they change it? EDIT: nvm, the update came up 2 mins ago >.>
  16. Lol you should have gotten me to come! Well done mate, 10/10 XD
  17. Ahh, looks like Barbarian Village to me. Good times, goooooooood timessssss. :)
  18. Yeah.. I've got all this and still have real high LSP. Masses only, some small, some huge. I was in that cc today for like 4hrs, only got around 70k loot :wall: :x I fail hard at massing -.-
  19. ^ New PvP update, the one that Jagex decided to release hoping to fix something that didn't need to be fixed :wall: All they needed to do was nerf 26k, or like they did, move it to 76k. Oh well, now that everything is crashing, and the merch clans keep manipulating the prices, I'm doomed. No idea how to tell when anything is rising/falling anymore :cry:
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