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Posts posted by OldDucky

  1. This was decent. I expected much better though, as the CIC has been discussing this for quite some time. The only part that got to me was the lack of editing in some parts, and the fact that this was short(Of course, if this is a weekly thing, the latter isn't a problem)




    Needs some work, but overall OK for a first edition. PLEASE do more editing next time though. I don't think you double-checked every article.




    Also, 'Never' should be a poll option.




    Much wasn't discussed in the CIC. We discussed most Article together. One of our Editors away, while the other didn't have enough time to finish his article.




    I'm sure it'll be more organised next time.

  2. My clan fought TDM about 4 weeks ago. It was a full-out, 3 round, p2p war and we beat them 2 to 1. It would had been a whole different story if the war had been f2p because they are much better than us f2p.




    Anyway, it's hard for me to believe that Jagex supports clans because I have been muted for war related spams twice already and so have other members of my clan. Also, you can't even advertise your clan site in RS forums because then F-Mods accuse you of trying to hack people. It's sad to see how RS fourms is light years behind Off-RS forums. You can't even post a pic on RS forums for crying out... :shock:




    Reason why is because Jagex had set rules even before Clans were introduced, I beleive. As said, Jagex also has a website to maintain, and also a friendly community.




    They're just trying to keep safe, and Since spamming is against the rules, you should expect to be muted for it either way. So, Jagex can support clans, but they have to follow to rules, as so everyone else.

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