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  1. Try logging back into the account in a week, most times they use a week long temporary ban for the first offence. For those of you wondering I don't know first hand, but a close friend of mine was dumb enough to use an auto and got temporarily banned, then permanantly banned for the second offence.
  2. Well fireworks is kinda far off because they would need to add a sky to runescape. But I like the idea of incinerating unneeded items and bonfires would create fun new games to play in game, not sure how, but fire is always fun! (Only reason im against fireworks is they were in a game i used to play, Final Fantasy 11 and I blew all my money on them every week :P)
  3. Hmm, I could see a whole new weight system or even a new agility style, but it just seems like alot of work compared to creating a new speed 1/2 as fast and a 1/4 of the energy with weight only affecting 1/2 as much. They already have the pre applied numbers so the math wouldn't be too hard. (Those numbers are something I just came up with, no testing has been done I cannot approve them fully)
  4. Reason for this thought: In the last few days I've been collecting a myriad of items from different places and one idea that keeps coming up are horses, now I personally don't support this decision. But the basic idea of travel without teleports and agility shortcuts for lower level players is important. I don't pretend to have done my best to aquire maximum traveling potential; 61 agility, glory ammulets, teleport spells and rings of dueling are my modes of transportation. But certain areas I must admit require much distance that my top 20 thousand agility level falls far short of reaching. Examples of this are Lord Iorwith's camp over in Isafdar, or the Slayer Dungeon to the East of Fremmenick. Solution: Why not put in a new run speed, such as "Jog". It would be faster than walk, but slower than run. Conserving energy speed and ultimately getting farther off the same amount of energy. People who run races in real life don't sprint the whole way, they pace themselves so they can make it all the way to the end, instead of running out of energy halfway there. Also pertains to tasks such as runecrafting, when you have to make many trips to the same place, it wears down your energy slowly until you either have to walk there or wait for more energy. This was sort of impromptu and I'm pretty sure I'm adressing the wrong crowd because this is directed more at lower players who can't get around as easily. But please feel free to critcize or show support, if you have suggestions you can always PM me on Voodoo567 or on here. Supporters: =) 1. Voodoo567 2. Shade_bandyt 3. Carson 4. Cubed_Boid 5. -KFK-
  5. I see nothing wrong with improved trade communication and another chat option "Trade" certainly does not seem troublesome. Wholehearted support this suggestion, Voodoo567.
  6. Very thorough and well thought out. But maybe include a quest slot or a miscelaneous? Another thought, if the item is locked in your bank, and the picture is still there. What happens if you die and lose the items that were locked in your bank. Seems like they would need to do alot of testing on many different levels to avoid a duping glitch.
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