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Posts posted by i_love_burritos

  1. What do you have against the SMH?


    Heh, sorry I missed this.




    Yeah, just look at the difference between the front page of the SMH and ABC news. The SMH has long been inching towards a more tabloid like structure (60 pages of [cabbage] that no one but middle aged women read, 10 pages of actual news.) Think "Your Sydney, Life and Style, Entertainment." I wouldn't go as far as to say they've only got hack writers but you can easily pick out bias and a tendency to support more conservative views. Plus the headlines are completely sensationalist and misleading most of the time - oh and the annoying invasive ads, being forced to watch ads to watch any video news etc etc etc. Cross promoting 2UE and 2GB is also pretty bad. Oh and the whole Fairfax, Newscorp thing isn't too encouraging either.


    Do you like Channel 7 news ? You know when they play the blockbuster-movie music and the text comes on like a sledgehammer with the scaremongering titles and the dun-dun-dun tp match ? It's terrible isn't it ? The SMH is an online and in print version of that. (Channel 7, 9 and 10 have gone to [cabbage] too, IMHO - occasionally they'll show an interesting doco but that's about it.)


    The only real saving grace is it's National Times (formerly "Opinion" section.)


    I can rant about the SMH endlessly to be honest ....

  2. Apparently police barricaded both sides of the road my house is on, and nobody is home but me... Now there is a search helicopter and it keeps shining into my yard. I have a knife on me right now, but if I don't make it out of this one alive, Tip well everyone.


    Their SWAT armour is weak at the neck and under the arms.

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