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Posts posted by i_love_burritos

  1. have you heard of the band bring me the horizon


    yes though im sticking with less [cabbage]ty metalcore like btbam. (alaska and colours notably). Also Cynic. you'd like them (they're not fairycore though)


    also, my mom told me my 10 year old cousin sister can do more pushups than me (she did 201), and told me to get off my ass

  2. Los Angeles

    San Francisco

    Seattle *

    Orlando *




    Those are the cities I'll be visiting. *, I've never been before. Currently tossing up between Seattle and Orlando. Will most likely settle on Seattle. Planning to spend at least 4 or 5 days in each city except Washington and Chicago, in which I'll be staying for 10 - 15 days.


    I forgot to add, :thumbup:

  3. What is death ? Our perception of the end of life, yes ? During the time which we are alive, we can see the death of other people around us, but will never experience death ourselves. Death is ceasing to be, and hence we don't experience it at all. As long as you exist, you don't die. When you die, you're dead and don't experience death.


    I'll quote Mark Twain here ...


    "I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it."


    To be honest, I don't want to get old. Old people just seem so sad and dejected and miserable.

  4. I've never had any real trouble with going below parallel or my form with squats, is there a reason why some people find it difficult to do it properly ? I'm wondering if it's just physiology / bad habits ?

  5. ^ I've never come across coke being that expensive, tbh (I'm not a fan). ~$150/g if you know where to look. Also, MDMA in Sydney ? Harhar, forget it. You'd be lucky to get a 60% pure pill for $20 these days. Mostly caps, and no doubt it's cut with amphetamines because most people have never had good molly and are happy to get "[bleep]ed up" on anything.


    Speaking of which, did you try whatever you were planning on trying a handful of pages back?


    Yeah, I did. Not 400µg though. Just not in a position right now to go for a big mind altering dose, so I'm sticking to lower intensity visual/auditory trips.

  6. You're resorting to 16 year olds? Come get a beer with me friday night, seriously.


    Why discriminate against highschool chicks ? I like em.


    (Tim, how old are you, 20 ? Don't sweat it.)

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