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Posts posted by i_love_burritos

  1. Did you end up trying high doses of acid? I'm interested in giving small doses of shrooms or acid a try.

    Yes, I did. It was highly interesting. Don't go with shrooms straight away to be honest, a single tab of LSD (<150 ug) is a nice mellow trip.



    My friend said LSD was better than DMT, but DMT was more vivid.


    Just throwing that out there.


    I don't know about better, but DMT is definitely more vivid. I haven't done it (although I plan on), it's a substance which should be treated with respect. To give a somewhat misleading analogy, high doses of LSD, it slowly feels like you're mind and losing grasp with reality. It's slightly scary at first, but like mentioned previously negative feelings / apprehensions just make it worse, in the end I actually quite enjoyed it.

  2. If you've got cancer, and want to try shrooms -




    Which reminds me of something on the last few pages when someone mentioned DMT.


    DMT, LSD, psilocybin, Mescaline, these are all highly powerful psychedelic entheogens - if you've got some underlying problems in your life, don't go near them. Bad grades, in debt, broke up with girlfriend, struggling with stress, depression, worry etc etc - it's going to give you a bad trip, more than that it's going completely (negatively) alter your psyche, and often worsen those depressive conditions.


    I'll just quote someone else -


    "It is often a risk not worth taking. Hence my extreme emphasis to never take hallucinogens in an uncontrolled setting when you aren't at least somewhat content with your life and are unlikely to find anything within yourself so disturbing that it cannot be calmly dealt with."


    This brings us with drawing parallels with heroin from a few pages back, is a similar argument I believe. Those without self control, who have some underlying deficiency in their own lives that they then seek to fill with "drugs", is NOT going to help them. Once you're happy with your life, go all out. Just make sure you're always in control.

  3. Oh god.



    Does anyone know who started this? :lol:

    I'm a [bleep]ing genius.


    lol dont take all the credit assface.




    2 pages back, yes. To get your full license in nazi Australia it takes a minimum of 3 years.


    Edit: I've had my provisional one for the last year or so... haven't even bothered to take the second test. So lazy.

  4. ^ heh




    On that note -


    >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw >mfw


    seriously, I don't know why everyone here feels the need to do that, or post reaction faces, or other stuff. cut that [cabbage] out.

  5. ^ that is good advice. You're gonna have to cook for yourself, your mother can't do everything. become self-reliant. :thumbup:

  6. I should posting more( yes posting more), then I'll have the highest post count in one thread in the off topic section of a runescape forum. I'll be mildly famous on the internet.




    EDIT: [bleep]es will be all over my [bleep].

  7. ^ what is a maori potato, and why shouldn't you eat them ?




    Decent timetable, still ~35 hours p/w. [bleep]ing 5 hour long labs are going to kill me though.

  8. Having some knowledge about stimulants, that statistic is not very surprising - cocaine is a punishing substance, the comedown is just terrible. I'd expect most people who use it (NOT crack cocaine) would use it very occasionally just because the crash is not worth it.


    Again, it's often addictive tendencies rather than the substance itself that leads to abuse.

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