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Posts posted by i_love_burritos

  1. >2011

    >learning Calculus


    Please tell me you guys don't do this.


    u mad


    no, I learnt calculus in year 11.


    I'm in second year uni. It's more like using university level calculus to plot sufaces, fields, curves and whatnot in 3D space. These surfaces are usually models. You then have to integrate / differentiate to find certain curvatures, directionals, areas, other pois. These are usually significant aspects of the model, which allow you to graph and analyse it.

  2. Haha, I like how you're all taking an avid interest in this. Misleading way of saying recently have not had much time for [kitty], not that I need wang counselling. y'all need to settle down :thumbup: .





    wongtong ask your mum.

  3. You need to get them into the position of feeling inferior.
    Girls are easy [...] you'll end up a shallow little man.





    Effort, time, commitment.





    stay groomed and work out regularly


  4. If anyone has found a way to get sex, without : having a lasting commitment ,any type of emotional investment, effort, or paying- please PM me asap.

  5. Is this just going to be another LOIC attack ? How incredibly passe. But yeah, FaceBook is like, probably, just another branch of the CIA. (All jokes aside, the amount of data mining possible were FaceBook to actually sell their user's information is just mindblowing.)


    It probably happens.

  6. Share market tumble, London riots, Norway Massacre, 2 wars in the middle east, America's debt crisis, crumbling dictatorships in Syria, egypt etc - has the whole world gone crazy ? Seems like it these days.

    Nah, it's just another day in the life of earth. Nothing out of the norm here.


    Actually nah, if the earth were to form a fissure, and ever single plate that we were sitting on were to just slide in, to that hot hot core, destroying everything on the surface of the earth, it would be a return to normality. We've only been here for a blink of an eye. If we just happened to vanish, the earth would go back to the way it was initially.


    So in essence, destroying ourselves is the only real way to restore "normality".

  7. Share market tumble, London riots, Norway Massacre, 2 wars in the middle east, America's debt crisis, crumbling dictatorships in Syria, egypt etc - has the whole world gone crazy ? Seems like it these days.


    On the plus side it's 7:10 here in the morning, I woke up at 6:50 instead of 6AM like every other week day, [bleep] everything about 8AM lectures.

  8. ^ Sure, hard street drugs are very expensive, but most pharms particularly opiates, benzos and some amphetamines that are produced on a commerical / industrial level are incredibly cheap, not only because of govt subsidies, just that they're easy to manufacture (by those companies). H addicts routinely use oxys' when they're outta cash, there's not too much of a significant difference in it's physiological effects.

  9. You can write more number before the number if you use it after.


    $5.00 you're covered.

    But with 5.00$ someone could add numbers before it.


    No idea if that is the real reason, just thought of it now.


    That's actually a pretty clever point. In any case, cheques still have that made out to or "pay _ the sum of five dollars and no cents, etc", so it's fine in that regard. Also in europe ^, their commas are our decimal points, and their points are our commas.

  10. ^ well done for figuring that one out


    clearly you've had no real interaction with alcohol or drinking alcohol but eh.




    It makes the most sense. Beer has huge amounts sugars, and carbs - hence energy (calories). Hint: Alcohol can be metabolised by the body and used for energy (30 kj/g compared to about 17 for carbs, that's a significant difference in heat of formation). In america I think it's because the FDA and alcohol/tobacco (edit) body are regulated separately hence the FDA can't do it. But over here, they're actually considering it. Makes alot of sense, seeing as if you're just drinking and don't want to gorge yourself, would rather go for something like spirits. :thumbup:


    EDIT: Yeah on each bottle it'd be unnecessary, but I don't see a reason for not printing it on the side of the case.

  11. I'm immune hangovers which pretty much makes me the coolest person ever, but gah, I can see why I stopped drinking for a while. Also, there really should be nutritional info on beer. aah i why did I drink so much. :wall:

  12. nothing beats going to gym, then shower, shave. AAAAAAAGH feels good man.




    also friday, half day. life is mediocre. :shades:


    You starting school tomorrow too?


    Nah, uni started 2 weeks ago for me. 8 - 5 (ish) 3 days of the week. 8 - 11, the other two. One of them being Friday. And yeah Jeff, uni is generally always busy, I'm just avoiding all work for now :D


    Going out drinking with friends tonight, but will most likely end up playing xbox whilst drunk. Been too long. :thumbup:

  13. My modular vectors TA (is that the term they use in muhrica?), anyway (tutor) is like the coolest [bleep]ing guy ever. Everything about him just exudes complete badassery. *Imagine the Dude teaching maths.



  14. Instead of starting to do something, I'll stop doing something. :thumbup:


    I'll try to not drink soda for at least the month of August. This will probably be difficult.


    I drank like 4 cans of coke in the past week against my better judgement (after months of no carbonated drinks), remembered why I stopped drinking soda. Just made me feel kinda ill afterwards.

  15. Pushups arent bad.

    I like diiiiamond ones for some reason.

    I used to hate them though.


    Yeah, pushups are great all round, it's just that I can't do more than 5 in a row aha. Need to improve on that.

  16. I suck so bad at pushups, it's not funny. Starting this burpees thing now though (10), I'll do a set of 10 dips + extended squats (20) , seeing as I haven't been posting too frequently.

  17. You know when I said it'd be good to be in uni again ? Yeah, I lied, and it [bleep]ing sucks. Already missing lazing in the house drinking, eating, doing nothing.



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