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Posts posted by i_love_burritos

  1. 2 is a lie.


    1) I speak 3 languages

    2) I wear size 8 shoes

    3) Favourite colour is grey


    It's interesting how a lot of these have #2 as the lie :P


    #3 is the lie. ( I like this game hahar)


    1. I live in Sydney

    2. I am currently on holidays

    3. I'm shorter than 5'6"

  2. I'm wondering, when is America going to start using Celsius like the rest of us? I cannot for the life of me imagine what 85F is. As a Chemical Engineering student, I have a deep-seated dislike of archaic measurement scales.


    Heh, one of the physical chemistry profs I had last semester was (I imagine he still is) French, on his slides every non-SI unit was followed by "only used by primitives." I thought that was funny.

  3. ^Alcohol is generally considered a more "social" drug.


    You'd be a complete idiot to touch K2, spice etc, or any synthetic stuff like that. The reason it's still legal is because it's a designer drug, many many times stronger than cannabis. Nothing is known its about short term, long term, any of it's effects at all really seeing it's a research chemical. Spice will get you much higher than marijuana alone could, lots of stories about bad trips, panic / anxiety attack so on so forth, don't go near it. :thumbup:

  4. Seriously, what is your fascination with the military in a thread about the definition of poverty? Are you the king of Ignoratio elenchi?


    ]My "fascination" is that you and the Heritage Foundation want to cut Medicaid while leaving the military budget -- a military budget that's higher than during the Cold War -- completely intact. You have your priorities out of whack. Although this discussion proves my initial point on why you want to change the definition of what it means to be poor ;)


    This seems like a valid point, sees_all ^didn't see anything about this in your post. :|

    If magekillr wants to discuss the amount of funding the US military receives, or continue to bash the right wing for their positions on the US military, it would be more appropriate for him to create a new thread or find a related one to post in instead of here.


    Don't you think you're being highly selective about the [cabbage] you get angry at ?

  5. Seriously, what is your fascination with the military in a thread about the definition of poverty? Are you the king of Ignoratio elenchi?


    ]My "fascination" is that you and the Heritage Foundation want to cut Medicaid while leaving the military budget -- a military budget that's higher than during the Cold War -- completely intact. You have your priorities out of whack. Although this discussion proves my initial point on why you want to change the definition of what it means to be poor ;)


    This seems like a valid point, sees_all ^didn't see anything about this in your post. :|

  6. Friend informed that he is going to see The Tallest Man on Earth this Oct, tickets only $50. Still available. Seriously considering going. Venue is good too. :thumbup:

  7. Pro tip, just go to the states with a coastline. Ignore the others.


    Ahh ... so is this the cultural blackhole you refer to as the "mid-west" ?

  8. Going to the US this summer break, I've decided, been too long since I was there. Staying for a few months. Main thing is getting there, since ticket prices go up like 40% in a few months from now, hence tickets must be booked soonish. Small problem of uni dates which I have to find out certain deadlines for (I want to transfer to a engineering degree), and also other uni stuff. It's a headache.


    Will be great though. Will visit multiple cities. :thumbup:


    Which state are you looking into?


    Will almost definitely be going to Virginia, Iowa (lol) and California, but also I also want to go to Florida and Washington. Nothing's certain yet though. :|


    Also it's going to be cold as [bleep] when I go. (Between November and January.)

  9. Going to the US this summer break, I've decided, been too long since I was there. Staying for a few months. Main thing is getting there, since ticket prices go up like 40% in a few months from now, hence tickets must be booked soonish. Small problem of uni dates which I have to find out certain deadlines for (I want to transfer to a engineering degree), and also other uni stuff. It's a headache.


    Will be great though. Will visit multiple cities. :thumbup:



    HOLY [cabbage].




    What are you doing in Sydney ?


    Just chilling. On a family holiday.


    How does everyone get then so cheaply, or does everyone feel inferior without one that they must buy one?


    Ah right. Yeah, I didn't pay for mine. :thumbup: Only got it recently too (within the last 6 months).


    I don't know why so many people have them ...


    - Also, you're lucky. Weather's nice hopefully it'll be for the rest of the week too, last week was kinda [cabbage].

  11. As a point of interest, I went to highschool with a guy who did coke since he was 15, he's stopped now. Not saying that's the case for everyone. I've talked to married woman with a young son, stable job etc - shoots china white heroin quite frequently. Coming across such people is rare though.

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