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Everything posted by desirus

  1. my friend has gotten 2 d2h, 1 d legs, 1 d left half this month w/o wealth.
  2. 99 firemaking cape IF i was ever patient enough to get it :D
  3. we went to school together... and if you mean on rs: me and real life pheonce(sp?) had a christmas giveaway few years ago and he showed up for a gift but ended up giving me tons of stuff as a thanks..
  4. meh usually they run away crying if you fight back, idiots. Never been a fan of abyss pkers, green dragon pkers... but whatever.
  5. nice. I always end up with lots and lots of mime =\
  6. i'll buy a woodcutting sig like that. =) show me what you got.
  7. ahaha. i love the woodcutting one. =D can i buy it!!!!!!
  8. he can have it. =) thanks though. And btw I love half life. But i need runescape sig.
  9. for that one.. or are you making a new one? if making a new one, i'd like a fishing sig =D no quotes nothing, just a simple fishing sig with me in it. I ma the guy in my sig. =)
  10. i give it 6.5/10 =) and i actually think it looks nice. *if you make it a bit more detailed with some lobsters or fishes and make the further part of the walkway look like it's in deeper water i'll buy it for a decent price. =)
  11. Okay last time I tried this after some entries, no one responded to pms or on forum sooo.... Let's try it again. I'll pay from 300k-1mil for rs2 for a sig + avatar depending on how much I love it. You can see my how me and my girl looks on my sig right now. We'd prefer it to be a woodcut sig, both cutting yews. No stats or nothing on there.. Needs to be original. I'll also consider a fishing sig for later use with just me in it. Thx =D
  12. i've received entries in private too, but keep it up guys. Just waiting for final products to come now. thanks for all your help. =)
  13. Well i just made a temp. sig, since no one seems to want to make me a runescape sig. =(
  14. Yep. I just want a sig, a guy dressed in black w/ legends cape + blue gloves & boots(like ice gloves color) ++ a girl cutting alongside black top + skirt, same gloves + boots, woodcutting yews. I'd like it to be kind of light mooded, humorous etc. original. Somewhere on there.. "Peacefully cutting yews somewhere in RuneScape." I don't want any party hats or any rares at all in pic. I'll also consider buying just a simple sig, with just my name, Desirus on it. Kind of abstract background, but simple. No quotes or nothing, just my name in some nice looking font. I'll pay same amount for this if i like. I will pay in 300k cash or if i really like it up to 1 mil depending on my mood. If you want to look at me or whatever, msg me on RS - Desirus.
  15. knife looks weird, the edges on the item itself is kinda messed up.. mace the ball+[bleep]e part looks like it's floating, not laying on the ground and the bow and arrow is superb. =}
  16. 300k Just a woodcutting sig, i'd prefer it to be light/humorous. And something original.
  17. okay 300k to winner. I want sig + avatar. Woodcutter, dressed in black. Prefer it to be humorous, and just want to see some ideas first.
  18. Is this allowed? If not i am sorry.. if yes, can someone contact me.. [email protected] plz. i'd appreciate it since the one i got is just a cut and paste. lol. =P
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