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Posts posted by Pret

  1. She, by the way. ;)




    I'm going to answer this in all one big post, since I'm lazy and Tif REALLY needs a multiquote option.




    ANYWHO, I don't really know how much I made. Whatever I did make, I kinda wasted it on Magic and firemaking, if I can recall. :lol:


    Flax spinning wasn't actually that bad for me, since it's semi-AFKable, and playing on a gameboy emulator helped me so much. ;)




    Now, I will be going for 99 Crafting, which will be my forth 99 by the way, via Sapphire Necklaces and probably stick a few SC needles in there and do some dragonhide bodies.


    I won't run out, because I'm farming kwuarms at the same time.




    After that? Who knows, maybes I'll finally be able to have the patience for Magic. :lol:




    Thanks guys, also :)

  2. This is unreal. If anyone can even think of rating this below 10/10 really needs their eyes checked.




    It's probably THE rarest level based achievement to date (aside sailing @@@@@@@).




    So yeah, definite 10/10.




    you trained as a member lol, so you did it the easy way.




    I'd love to flame you, but it isn't my position to do so. And since the OP is so polite, I'll keep hush hush.




    Also, your politeness gives you a 11/10.

  3. Five Patches, obviously.








    I've only ever done herbs and watermelons. I don't have any screens of watermelons, but in the four patches (well, 8, you get me :lol: ) I know of, I got 167 Watermelons.




    This averages nearly 21 per Patch? I don't know. Call BS if you want, I could easily farm watermelons again and attempt to repeat this. <3:

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