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Posts posted by Pret

  1. i have been in hospital lately to get a brain tumour removed.


    they didn't give me enough anaesthetic to sedate me enough for the entire operation, i woke up midway through it and felt everything.




    they carried it on, and me being so stupid to keep my mouth shut (i was scared i'd startle them and something bad would happen), lay there half conscious for an hour feeling everything.

  2. this is what a true achievement is in this subforum. it's rare i see stuff like this these days.




    absolutely incredible, your bank worth, getting a Divine and even more, the thousand platebodies. (just spending 1bn on the hammers is astounding)


    anything less then 11/10 is questionable.




    It's less of an achievement than 2100 total and 99's and such. :|




    ick, i know. forgive my ignorance. but it's an unique achievement, you only really see lucky drop runs these days or a mid-par 99.

  3. so many whiners expecting Jagex to work their arse off more then they actually are right now.


    it takes a LOT to program what they're planning on and a lot to fix even the littlest of updates WHILE trying to make every single one of us happy developing the bigger updates




    if people don't like it, don't play and don't complain. ;)




    i am very fond of the deposit all option, that's all i can really say.

  4. 2dv1sia.jpg


    (ranging potions)




    but no, seriously. today is officially the anniversary of my playing time on this account. (took a couple of breaks for holiday, so i missed 'em out. ;)




    BUT ANYWAYS, i decided to make a thread for opinions on what you guys think of a year's of work.




    well, uhm, i don't really know how to carry this thread on, so i'll just show you my stats and best of bank. :D


    and you can look at the total experience at the bottom of my signature. :)






    75 Combat, btw. ;)




    i don't really concentrate on balancing my skills (though, since boxing day after getting 99 woodcutting, i've been trying.


    the reason for the low thieving and hunter is basically because i hate training those skills. they're so bland and uneasy to train early on, i will get around to these, though.








    My best of bank. pretty pathetic, huh?


    well, i've been hacked, twice. i made a LOT of money between each time, too. so i guess nearly 10m in two weeks isn't that bad, no?




    edit: my goals ultimately for this year are to get 99 herblore and farming. i will obviously get a couple of 99's between these to make the money for it, but yeah. :)




    anyways, thanks for reading. and don't be too harsh, please. :D

  5. I am going to completely revamp this blog, give myself new goals, etc.


    My biggest goal of all at the moment is 90 Magic. I might decide afterwards to go for 99, but I'm not sure yet.


    Anyways, I've just got 86 Magic, now it's around this time that superheating gets incredibly boring, but it's still satisfying that I will only lose 4m getting 90.








    My method of doing this, like mentioned is Superheating. i'm superheating iron ores, because it's quick, it trains two skills at a time and it's much more satisfying then standing around and clicking the same pixel for hours on end.




    Anyways, this is my bank tab for 90 magic, it will get me over 90 Magic, but I'm unsure by how much.. Shouldn't be a lot, mind you.








    Now, I will redo my front page with new goals. :)

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