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Posts posted by Xx_Flare_xX

  1. Nerd moment of the day: Is that Karamja? and he's playing with public off?


    Technically it is Musa Point. And, judging by the lines you can see on the chat screen, the chat is set to public. However, it might be friends.




    Oh, I saw that picture and article on CNN.




    Nah it's Definatly Karamja Docks. I've been there soo many times :XD:

  2. Bad new updates..


    I mean, the new assist thing, pointless. No use in getting 75 wc when somebody with 2 wc can use cut mages too.




    Atleast they can't now ::' so you can take that one off your list :XD:

  3. of the many (many) rants you make this is the 2nd one i agree with. :lol:




    i get that all the time. the worst is when they say: nooooo scammer rune hq says that abby wip 1 million! god what a scammer scam scam scam :-#








    who uses rune hq? zybez is better




    runescape is runescape. And unfortunatly runescape is a game filled with 8 year olds who have no lives. (well, thats what a large ajority of rs has turned into)




    coming from the person with sonic as there icon? :-k




    Sonic owns mate :thumbsup:


    and he's right. Zybez is better then RHQ for item prices ::'

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