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Posts posted by Xx_Flare_xX

  1. next time he tries to ring you try and have a huuuge conversation with him (to raise his phone bill) it'l bore the hell out of ya but if the phone bill goes over ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã200 i would think his parents would go nuts and ban him from phone using ::'




    try to top my current record of ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã96 lol

  2. I would bring MicroSoft,Nintendo and Sony together to make a super console of sorts which would have




    ~Games like the PS2


    ~Inovative like the WII


    ~Online like X-Box Live




    Only one good game and its better on pc tbh which is half life one




    what about the Grand Theft Auto series? they're 300 times better then HL \' :thumbsup:

  3. Well today I got one of the biggest surprises and laughs in school that I've ever had.




    I'm a senior in a smallER high school in Wisconsin. It's Fourth hour in my probability and statistics class, right before lunch. Of course we're talking about the probability of something happening in a certain situation.




    The teacher is going over examples such as the odds of pulling a certain kind of baseball card out of a pack, getting hit on your way to the airport, and so on and so on. I was about 2 seconds away from falling asleep right in my desk when I hear the words "Dust Devil". I thought he was referring to the vacuum...but of course being the avid player I am, I immediately got a chuckle out of it. Then right after "Dust Devil" was said he said "The odds of getting a Dragon Chain from this animal is one in so many thousand kills". Everyone else in my class was pretty much oblivious to the whole situation but I about dropped my jaw right onto the floor.




    My teacher, my tennis coach, and father of a member of my buddy on our drumline plays runescape. He's getting close to 45 or 50 and I could NOT believe it.




    I just thought I would share the story with you all and I'm assuming there's a few other stories like this out there!






    I ROFLED at this bit :XD:

  4. My only objection is that now there are 4 options that you get for right clicking on someone. This means, among other things, pking is slightly more difficult. When you go clan pking, it's harder to find the right click option for attack, especially during clan wars. Also when there are a lot of players in one square, and you want to, say, trade one of them, fewer names will appear on your screen.




    Jagex specifically left monk fishing and lava eel catching out of the assist system, because of quest requirements. This was rather superfluous, because you need to complete the quest, AND have the fishing level just to access monkfish. And for lava eels, you need a special rod from the quest.




    Also, Jagex left Bones to Peaches in the assist system, even though that spell is a MINIGAME reward that takes HOURS and lots of expensive runes to achieve. Although there were already bones to peach tabs, so its the same thing really.




    If you turn the Assist button 'Off' it goes back to the 3 option screen like it used to be :thumbsup:

  5. They would never implement that, they would get way to many reports. And way to many people would click it instead of follow or something.




    maby like the Assist button theres a way to toggle the report button on/off (when Assist is 'off' you have the main 3 options only [excluding Attack])

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