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Posts posted by Death_Hippy

  1. okay, fine this is an old one, but it still gets on my nerves. Let me start it this way, i myself am a combat level 79, which isnt great but its pretty okay and im sorta fed up if lvl 100's who are almost certainly 10 years old runnin around calling people "noobs"(or variations of this). Its just pathetic, you would think that they would have the brainpower to advance their vocabulary beyond 3 words!!!


    Please, if you agree tell me, thanks



    Well, I'm a self-appointed stabmaster, so if you think they need a good stabbing I could help with your sayer of "noob* shanking. Or I could slap them with rubber chicken until they shut it =_=.
  2. so sad, maybe the servers will crash and all the ranting accounts will dissapear? :pray:
    and maybe we'll find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, maybe MTV will actually have some music shows, and Barry Bonds will stop the juicing. And MAYBE some day stupid people like you will realize that this world is full of complainers, so I doubt your going to find a way to stop them (It'll work out worse than when U.S sent troops to Iraq).
  3. One things, noob is an additude, not a lvl, secondly, people will always think of other ppl as stupid, and will treat as garbage (the ppl with IQ of 50-)




    It's just a fact about rs's ppl

    If you tell me about a smart person on this game, I'll show you someone who isn't born yet.
  4. Personally i don't think age is a factor in gaming. Its more or less maturity. Most kids by age twelve, in my opinion, should have the maturity to see a R-rated film or play an M-rated game. Don't get me wrong, age is a factor, but it only became a big one when parents started being over protective. For example, most male children in the community i was raised, hunted using high power riffles at age 12, fired a gun at age 8, and saw a dear get gutted by age 6. They were mature enough to kill animals but not mature enough to play Halo, something ain't right there.
    You know what's funny? I tried telling what you said to my mom's friend, but he said "videogames are way worse than shooting and hunting a deer". He once told me videogames can teach you how to kill...well wouldn't killing a real thing be worse than being "game trained"? Cause I'm pretty sure that if you were in real life trying to go GTA on people you wouldn't have as much health and ammo as your gangster counterpart....ya parents make a big deal out of new techonolagy. Once we create virtual realitity, there won't be many complaints...they would be both moving, and doing a hobby.
  5. Well, if I were them I'd be looking for an easy kill...where's the fun if they fight back? A chance of losing your stuff? Being cheap usually has it's advantages. Ya, they are cowards, but why the hell do you need courage in a mmorpg or, any game for that matter? It's not like your REALLY going to die. Anyways, you may have a point there.

  6. Ya, pking is getting dirtier...recently I was involved in a massacre of 3 lvl 10's in deep wildy. I left a steel legs on the ground which I found in wildy, to see if anyone would go after it...well, they did, and I chased them off and killed 2 of them...they only lost their hard earned cash (20 steel arrows... :XD: ) out of greed. If they didn't take the item, I wouldn't of killed them off. But they did, so I finished them off....and the reason pkers are getting dirtier is because players are getting kind of smarter. If a player is to smart to walk up to the place where you are, use the one thing all mankind falls for : greed. People are greedy, lurer's are just using greed to their advantage.

  7. Rs has the most amazing graphics around




    when compared to other Java games.




    Knight's graphics look like WoW's :P




    Runescape is written in Java, so I'd say the graphics are pretty damn good when you look at the limitations and difficulty of Java!




    Blame Java




    You people make my blood boil.





    *throws a tantrum*

    Yes...but imagine how better it would be if they wrote their own program, but had the same physics (movement speed etc.) as other mmorpg's, but with improved graphics...oh and I bet they could make more complicated stuff.
  8. Edgeville, with its new and improved infrastructure.




    A recently-lit bundle of willow logs radiating warmth outside the recently remodeled bank.




    Four thousand raw trouts and thirty-six hundred raw salmons awaiting their ascent to edibility.




    Friendly conversation with amiable level-3 skillers roasting their lobsters.




    All of which is ruined by yet another testosterone-saturated twit thinking it's funny to position his avatar in front of me so my bend-down-to-cook animation (which now resembles a phallic act) can titillate his wildest fantasies. It becomes even more of a bother when the hormone machine decides to say things like "Don't stop" and "Yeah yeah yeah."




    I say "yet another" because, obviously enough, it's not the first time. All of these incidents have gone unreported due to the rigid and inflexible nature of the Report Abuse interface. I am pretty certain that it doesn't send what is generally superfluous information such as character positions and directions. As much as I'd like to stab a knife into the eyes (among other conspicuous targets on their bodies), the Internet is not yet capable of such means of retaliation, thus something else needs to change: the source of their arousal.




    So for Christ's sake, Jagex, use the thousand-polygon power that you've boasted in your front page news and update some of these obsolete animations. I'm tired of these irritating prepubescents who follow me around all day, trying to perform their "dance" on me. Tired of these fools who bother me while I'm trying to cook some fingerlicking training food. Equally tired of the morons who prompt stupid remarks like "just go to another world" or "cook on a range." No, I prefer not to wait another 40-50 seconds just to log in or run farther distances because an immature nitwit has been deprived of his satisfaction in too long.





    I'm going to become rich and famous once I invent a device that allows you to stab people over the internet
    He is working on it, and it will happen someday...anyways I know that's HORRIBLE..even weirder is when you turn into a easter egg and they try to cook and smash you :|
  9. Their slowly updating the graphics of different monsters items and towns gradually if you havent noticed.
    What they should really do is update how the players look...the players look lower quality than the monsters! (don't upgrade armor look, just the actual players look when you create them...and I don't mean the "new player clothes" I mean how their skin looks, maybe add some eyes or something.)
  10. Ya I see a lot of suicidal people in online chat rooms...though, usually, if I hear it I leave the room, or if I've heard it several times that week, when they say "I'm gonna kill myself!" I say "don't tell me, do it!". That's not out of cruelty, it's just depressing seeing people talk about killing themselves, and describing what they're gonna do. :(

  11. With the release of the grand exchange in the near future, I can only foresee ways to abuse it. If the GE is going to work the way people have thought, as in a player puts up an item, then another player finds it and buys it.




    What is to stop a rich player from making a new account, putting up a say 'raw chicken' for an outrageous amount of gold, and the other account buying it, thus transferring the gold and breaking whatever rule number it is.




    Discuss, do you think this will be a major problem, or can jagex find ways to build around this if it indeed shows itself as a flaw.

    Ah don't worry, we have a system like this is other games, and it's not a problem. And, people selling cruddy stuff for high prices is normal in rune. Ever seen "SELLING SPINACH 5k!"? It won't be a major problem if a player know's what things are worth...
  12. Bravery and Courage?....bravery and courage in a online game will get you killed. Everyone is just trying to get the most power out of their weapons and such, and they'll camp,kill, and tele anyone who tries to stop them...I know it suck's, but I don't think this game was made with pking in mind (look at members world for example).

  13. F2P should stop complaining. some P2P's have to drop stuff for bank space so...


    So Jagex can do the following: Add a row and a half (12 spaces) to banks, both F2P and P2P (In this case they get 2 rows). Or a really good way: F2Ps could get 12 paces, and members? 24! This would be quite a good idea, though.

    That's brilliant :shock: SEND IDEA NOW!lol
  14. Ya it's true people get serious about games...though, a lot of them who do just want to be able to ENJOY the game...if the games unenjoyable to them at that moment because a update MIGHT (doesn't happen often) be ruining their gameplay fun, they complain. Not to say I haven't posted a lot of things... (hey, I like to make rants, it's fun to me) but ya...we need to calm down.

  15. Yanksrule, ^ that may be true, but ever since playing wolfenstein,whenever I see a world war 2 movie I start thinking (look out for the zombies!). And ever since using microsoft word, whenever I do a writing assignment I think to "copy and paste" ._. .

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