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Posts posted by Death_Hippy

  1. Good points, though you should of just posted this in your own post if your gonna right that much my friend.And where did you find a "self respecting parent"?I thought they were a dying breed ._. I see a lot of swearing kids around my state, and they abuse it from playing GTA.And the people in my dam middle school can't...stop....swearing...at least I have a small filter!

  2. Aye dark vincent.I started playing when I was around 11 (so right now I'm 14).Though, back then I had a 10th grade reading level, and I never begged,I just asked WHERE I could get the item.Though most kids nowadays are EXTREMLY immature when it comes to online games.Play any popular online game (Runescape,WoW,Counter-Strike:Source,Halo) and you'll see extremly high lvl's of Immaturity.




    The more popular the game is the more immaturity.I understand that immaturaty doesn't always come from young kids.It sometimes comes from "high level" players who, in their fantasy world, are better than you in everyway just because you don't have high "numbers" (that's literally what their basing it on..."numbers"). Anyway's g'day and swear at a kid if he tells you your not allowed to =_= SAVE RS FROM IMMATURE BRATS!

  3. Mate, if you want a *serious* argument go to the sub-section of rants.I'm just trying to do subjects that people don't often do.So far I've read 50 one "Oh my god I hate the word noob" and "They need to fix this" and about 256 pages about "How jagex is spreading abuse".Oh the mohogony. -.-

  4. Ever played it?It also involves vehicles,picking out weps your good at and know how to use, and just reflexes and in some cases, knowing the physics of how a grenade bounces in the game to actually hit the dam target.

  5. My god.Above poster....have you played Unreal tournament in a league?Jesus Christ that's one of the most uniformed answers I've ever seen :shock: .If you played that game against those competitors for 5 minutes, you would most likely lose.Part of your "skill" in this game involves having higher stats than someone else, having better armor than them, and knowing the correct ways to click.In Unreal tournament it involves reflexes,aim, and a lot of dodging skill to get on top.There are no stats.Just skill.Look up that Unreal tournament 2.Be afraid.

  6. Alas, the yo-yo is my only proof of playing for 3 years.I don't play this game to seriously either.And what's with all the posts?Well,I've never posted on this forum before so...decided to.And I like ranting.Lots of it to, I can go on for hours.And if I'm insulting a specific user, that's because he has insulted me.And maybe stradegy games are like rpg's, but shooting games ...hard as hell.Especially online.

  7. I wonder when the elitist's will stop following me o_o.If i make one comment, even a small one, about how it doesn't take skill to play mmorpg's, I'm swarmed in a corner...and the reason I'm not on the high score charts is because I don't level to often.I have other passions as well, unlike you people(people getting ticked at me) who spend their entire day playing this.




    If you want to see if my theory is true, that some types of game take more skill than others, I dare you to go to a Cyberathletes tournament (I didn't believe they had one either) and see how long you'd last.There's a special reason they don't have roleplaying games on there.




    My.God. -.-

  8. Brag?BRAG? Are you dam kidding me!If I wanted to brag about something it'd be how many videogames i damn own!And yes...all those "skillz" you said involved clicking.I never said "clicking and waiting" I just said clicking.And compared to shooters and most stradegy games, it does take less skill.In shooting games you have to dodge, jump, throw, and move in so many dam ways and have the reflexes of some kind of tiger.In stradegy games you have to balance out your squads, outmanuver and outsmart the enemy, and generally just have more knowledge of getting rid of the 3 armies heading your direction without being slaughtered.




    My god thats all mmorpg's are these days.Need to mine?click!need to kill?click!need to "pick food at the correct time".Click!Need to balance out the items your wearing to get the best out of your weps?click to equip!If i knew this would go into some friggen argument i would've just not have spoken. :evil:

  9. Pking takes skill?I thought you just clicked on someone and they went "Boom".Anyone who says Mmorpg's take skill isn't being completly honest.It involves a lot of clicking.That's it.And good for you, you've been playing since who knows when.Me?December 2004.You been playing since Rsc?Cool.Would it make you feel better if I just knodded my head up and down? -.-

  10. I do have first hand experience, and some in members from playing a friends account for a bit.And I added a "may* in the "though I may know more about this game than you" so I never said I did.Though, I also never said I didn't :XD: .It all really comes from personal oppinion.See, your not going to say you don't know more than me right?That's because you feel highly of yourself.So do I, so even if you know more than me I'm not going to admit it.Though you don't have proof of that as of yet so... 8-)

  11. I don't play consistently in THIS game.Sometimes I don't play, I aquire info from the guys here instead.And sorry for the misunderstanding...Though I might know more than you about this game :twisted:

  12. True above poster so true.Though I'm not saying were all 8 year olds, I'm just saying I hate it when I find so dam many of them in one place =_=.I have yet to find many intelligent players, because after 2005, I got my first "can i have free stuff?".God that was scary :shock:

  13. Then comes in the age old question: what if the lvl 50's account mixed in a lot of different skills, not just focusing on one?And what if, like me, he just lvled up his cooking, fishing, mining,smelting, etc. when he got bored of fighting?So it says he's lvl 50, but in truth he may have more mining,cooking,smelting etc. than you, and may have played longer.

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