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Posts posted by Death_Hippy

  1. Because my friend, it would be near impossible to stick my 1000 paragraphs of ranting into one post.And I come up with the topics at different times...though one day I might just stick my "collection of rants" into one post.Maybe in a month or two...

  2. Above poster...I'm a lvl 49 F2P and I still know more than lvl 99 members!You know why?I've been playing for 3 years, and my lvl 49 is my only character!So if what your saying is true ,that "higher lvls means more knowledge of the game" then it's the dam opposite in my position. :evil:

  3. I believe it's pretty dam funny when someone complains that "people don't like pure's".Hmm i wonder why...it's not like, I don't know, they can kill us with the damage of a lvl 60 at lvl 40?Nah that's not possible!




    Here's another fun one "Jagex doesn't listen to complaints!" Well I don't listen to most of them either,because complaints usually turn into "rants" and then into complete rambling and crying.Try to "ask" something of Jagex instead of "complaining".For example here's a complaint "Javelins are useless make them better!"Here's a ask "Jagex can you please make Javelins more effective in combat?People don't use them much so maybe it'd help weapon balancing."Wouldn't you rather read the second one?




    Oh and the mother of all funny complaints/rants."I GOT SCAMMED!".O.K...so you got scammed right?Did you lose anything important?"Ya I lost my full iron!".Well it seems to me your kinda new.Why don't you just buy more armor?"I don't want to."I think people should just learn from their mistakes...if they don't they'll never learn anything :evil:

  4. My friend, it is easy to find problems with any game...any genre,any type, and any age of game's has a flaw.Everything in the gaming world of any game is flawed, and you'll be hard pressed to find one that isn't.That's why it's easy to start a rant.Games like halo aren't perfect even if people say it is.There's a lot of glitch abuse in that game.In this game, customer support, community, and overall maturity isn't perfect.So you know what?BURN THIS TOPIC IN HELL! :evil:

  5. You know, you got a good point about my language...then again, I speak in generally all forms.The "hardcore" type and the "Intelligent" type.I just like to mix them together.Someday I'll try to add a sentence without using the more "hardcore" type of language...ya I've put on a lot of rants though I can ALWAYS find something to complain about in any game in any way shape or form.

  6. Yes I know, mario rocks.And how does this affect me personally?When people tell me not to say bad words.And when I have to hear about people getting hacked...when I'm pretty dam sure was from when they tried to go to a hacking site.How do I tell 8year olds from 13 year olds?They tell me their age when I ask after hearing "don't swear my mom said I can't play if people swear!".After that I constantly swear till he logs out.

  7. Ah Mithril Max.I don't hate this game.I just said that I'd rather play Team fortress than "castle wars".I just hate that minigame.Oh and if it sounded like i said members deserve less stuff, I'm sorry, but I meant how they react to holiday items, graphic updates,and crossbows etc is like that.

  8. O.k for a while now young players have been bi-passing the age filter.It says you need to be 13 to play, but do they care?No, because they all need their fix of games that are to old and mature for them.That's what's been happening recently.




    Kids nowadays don't play Mario or nintendo because they are "lame".They'd rather stick with stuff that's overage for them like Grand Theft Auto or Halo or some crap like that.These people who play those games come to this one and ignore the almost ESRB rating of the game.




    So what's so bad about kids joining this game?When they get hacked they instantly complain to Jagex about it with parents saying "Why did my sons account get hacked?".The reason it got hacked was probably because the little bastard tried to download a hack for a game that is to "hard" for him.




    Parents don't know about the age filter.Their child say's "It's a kids game".No, club penguin is a kids game.This is a Teen game.Which means,parents, that there WILL BE SWEARING IN THIS GAME.I've heard about parents complaining about the swearing a lot, and they don't seem to understand this.




    I can swear as much as I dam want you little [wagon].I can go around lumbridge flaring the F-bomb without much of a problem.In fact they SHOULDN'T be able to ban me for it, because it's blocked.To bad jagex thinks teens parents mind if they're swearing.Unless the parent is watching em, the parent is not gonna find out.




    What's with 8 year olds playing anyways?I don't understand what hyperactive kid's want with a slow game like this.You'd think they'd be playing Tetris,Doom, or some other violent shooting game.It's what most of our generation wants these days.So...why?Is it because they can't find any other games?Are their parents against violence?If so, doesn't this game count as violence?




    What's strange to me is how parents rate violence.Violence is violence people!Even if their isn't any blood in a game, it doesn't mean the thing I killed isn't dead.It's still dead...just slightly less graphic.




    So parents stop letting your kids play this game...especially if you don't want them to learn how to swear.This game is like weed,crack, or some other kind of drug to these kids.When little kids play they don't know when to stop...do you want your child to gain a addictive personality?I don't think you do. :evil:

  9. Of course the dogs look starved,worn out, and sad etc.It reflects the nature of Varock.Varock is a place that was atacked several times in war...and i'm pretty dam sure there's gonna be a few sick dogs after that.Go let your kids play a kid's game!We need less of em anyway's.Oh, and I fricken agree with the "there's more violence on than hurt dogs" from tuttle.

  10. I feel bad for members when they log in to F2P...people trying to trade em...though I am a F2P and I have a problem that may be worse:People trying to trade stuff for my untradeable holiday items o_o.It's a harder concept for them to understand i suppose...then they ask me WHERE to get it.I tell them wait till easter.Then they ask again =_=.

  11. When people tell me I should pay for the game to play!So your telling me, a guy who pays for ANOTHER online game, has to pay for this one to?Well,I understand that you're paying for the game.It doesn't mean your better than a free player,it means you love the game and want to pay a extra 5 dam dollars to get features.I don't have enough time to commit to this!




    Seriously,mmorpg games take a big chunk out of my life if I'm forced to play them everyday because "I know I should since I pay $5 bucks a month for it".I know that the F2P world is collapsing, but the members world ain't that pretty either.Members actually go to the F2P JUST TO CALL SOMEONE A "N00B".And if you think F2P wildy is bad, see the members.Let's see how long you last against rune arrows!




    Oh and then they don't want us to have holiday items...why not?!It convinces new players to join the game.The though process they have is "Oh cool I got a reaper hood from a holiday!".Then a member comes up wearing a cooler "shade hood* and the F2P says "Dude where'd you get that awesome see through hood!".Then the member says "members only" and the F2P player convinces his parents to pay for it.




    Trust me, half the players wouldn't be members if there was no F2P world.Me personally, I'm a F2P guy.Why?Because I pay for another online game, and I played members once and didn't find it all that exciting...I'll play Team fortress classic instead of castle wars thank you very much.

  12. Here's what I do if I'm called a noob: i go up to them, slap them in the face with a rubber chicken, do the chicken dance,and tell them to "ah go back to your parents basement and shut up!".God I hate that word...if only there was a "Flip-off" emote.Oh wait then all the players would use it....

  13. Well if they are so worried about their kids becoming violent to animals from this game, look at what we do to wolves.They are relatives of dogs and we kill them without thought about it.Oh, and I'm sure shooing away a dog is "violent" to animals(sarcasm).If a sick harborer of disease walks up to you, do you let it follow you?No, you shoo the animal away so you don't catch whatever it's sick with.




    And of course they're pixels.What I said was a reminder of that.I just don't understand how you become violent to animals from shooing them away!There's not even a physical contact in the entire time your doing it!Plus, that's meant to make the towns more diverse, kinda like how Falador is all nice and pristine,edgeville is overgrown a bit, and now Varock is a town that was attacked several times in warfare.




    If these people are so worried that their kids will become violent to animals from this, just tell the kids to stop playing.Problem solved.Of course, if you do the kids may cry from being seperated from their favorite game but hey.Let them play "Super Mario Bros." until you believe they're old enough to tell a pixel from real life.And in my oppinion,if your kid actually does become violent to animals from this,he may just be plain stupid.F.Y.I this game is 13 and older.So your "kid* shouldn't even be playing. -.-

  14. Anyways,yesterday when I was on I ran around in a chicken suit yelling something like "I AM THE CHICKEN GOD!WORSHIP ME! MUHAHAHAHAH!!!".And if anyone asked what the hell I was doing i turned into a egg.At a certain point the newbies kept asking where I got the "eggmagic".So then I popped out and slapped 'em in the face with a rubber chicken...Then I slapped a mod and ran like hell into the wildy ....the last mod i slapped threatened to ban me ._.




    O.K I ran into the wildy covered in chicken based holiday items so people confused me for a "member with rare stuff".See, players don't have the brain power to process that maybe, just maybe, they shouldn't beat up the guy covered in chicken stuff.Anyways, after dying I went all the way to draynor and got my shiznit back -.- .THE END TILL LATER.Comments?or you could just msg me in game -.- i got nothing else better to do.

  15. While people sell their runes,cowhides, and feathers I sell some other things.For example, I got bored of the mass market on day and decided to sell 3 types of beer and 100 kababs on the top floor of the desert palace top floor.Surprisingly I earned about 1k doing that o_o.




    Other things I do for merchanting is sell items for slightly higher prices...if you can call raising the price of full bronze as 8k as slightly priced.O.K hear me out here.I sell items by how much time I waste in my life to make them.So since that took about 8 minutes out of my life add three 0's.There it's priced!




    If anyone else has weird ways of selling things post em here.And I don't care if you talk about how you scammed someone.I don't give a dam. :thumbsup:

  16. Ok i'm tired of people in varock (forgot how to spell it) complaining about how the dogs in varock are a example of "animal abuse".It's a game!It's not like I'm shooing your pet senior fluffles away from me!It's pixels!




    Screw the animal lovers.I'll go up and kill the pixel dog if I want to.Then I'll go make cat hide shoes!And if your so worried about animal abuse, look at what we do to the cows!We slaughter the poor mofo's without warning using fire, earth,ice,water,wind,arrows,spears,and swords etc.Then we sell their hide for cheap profit...




    So is cow slaughtering abuse?Possibly.Oh and when you turn your cat into a "Demon cat" isn't that kinda cruel?Did it WANT to be turned into a evil creature?Maybe it didn't....Oh and remember that easter holiday where you were a rabbit and the guy beat you on the head?THAT'S ALSO ANIMAL ABUSE.




    So animal lovers, lay down your weapons and axes and stop beating up on the the helpless cow,turning your cat into a demonic entity, and letting yourself be beat upon by a farmer.And maybe, just maybe, Shut up about Varock! (may be to late for this topic but....meh).

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