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Posts posted by ghjkl

  1. So I've heard that Black Dragons with a Yak is 1m gp an hour. I haven't heard with what equipment so I'm assuming with Ovls, Turmoil, C Rapier, and Super AntiDragonfires. I have none of these,and absolutely no plan to get a Rapier anytime soon, but I was still assuming about 500k+ an hour using Super Sets and regular antifires. This is my setup




    I got about 336k in an hour, is that about right, or am I doing something wrong? Would a cannon help me get up to 500k an hour profit? I am in the Evil Chicken's Den and Winter Storage-ing the bones while putting the hides in my yak.


    I didn't think it would make that much of a difference, but I guess it does.


    Would it be better to camp Abyssal Demons for their ashes? With a yak, how much would that be per hour? I could do that until after Bonus Exp Weekend. I have 88 herby banked with bonus exp weekend.

    Are you banking the hides?

  2. I did do a large today. It turned out horribly. 59 min and only 33k xp. And no, it may seem like I'm trolling, but I am a very confused person. It takes a good while for me to learn new things.I can't seem to find any group of people that actually listen. They take FOREVER to reply to my keyer request. However they did share food with me and mgt when I told them, but it took them a good minute before realising it. Half of the people except for my friend didn't even gate anything, even after multiple orders.


    How can I expect to get better when people just don't listen right away?

    Where did you get your team?

    If you got your team in 117 or 148 then all the larges there are around 1 hour and you are doing fine.

  3. everything else in runescape can be written down in 1-2 sentences so that even an idiot can understand it.



    That's pretty ignorant.

    Every monster killing guide: bring gear, attack monster, pick up loot, bank

    Every skill guide: use this on that, bank, repeat

    Give me suggestions on what other guides I should make.

  4. Mod Edit: Removed quote chain w/ a rule breaking post.


    Oh right. Good to know there's a dg bot that never appears in the lobby area? Or a mining bot that never mines a rock? Or a slayer bot that never visits a slayer monster? Or a minigame bot that never plays a minigame?

    Yea cuz you are going to report everyone that comes into the dg lobby right?

  5. You admired someone who clicked repetitively for hours on end? The reason why bots are so common in runescape is because it takes no skill and because it is such a grind. What reason is there for playing legitimately except for your own view of self accomplishment?

  6. I've recently taken interest into Dungeoneering again, this time with an all new perspective.


    Last time I DG'd heavily, it was only to buy a rapier and unlock frosts, and I though for sure I'd be done after 85 for good. Since then I've created bigger goals that I want to accomplish, one of which includes 120 DG.


    I have started keying a few floors here and there recently, as well as DPSing floors often with others, but am still disappointed in the outcomes of my efforts in both fields. I understand that I am slowly getting better, and have accepted the fact that experience gained overtime will be the biggest factor in my ability to learn, understand, and overall master the skill. However, I believe until then, there are several useful bits of information out there that I may not be aware about, as well as answers to some questions I may have. The following are questions which I would greatly appreciate help with (emphasis on keyer questions):


    • [DPS] What attack styles are useful on different monsters (Crush = Ghosts) ect.
      look in the metagame place
    • [DPS] Killing priorities in rooms (Forsaken Mage/Necro > ?).
      shade necro mage then other stuff
    • [DPS] How to better sidestep and move around GDs to avoid damage.
      trap meleers behind magers/rangers
    • [KEYER] Prioritizing room clearance tips (Which rooms should have higher priority?).
      whichever one leads to the bigger path
    • [KEYER] How to read/understand where the critical path is.
      paths behind pot rooms are not critical, there is no way to tell otherwise unless you se guide mode
    • [KEYER] How to keep DPSers busy during idle time when not doing GDs.
      separating roles between keyers and dpsers is what killed dgs in the first place, i recommend not going through that path, everyone should be running paths and moving the ggs appropriately
    • [KEYER] How to cut down on idle time in the first place.
      always make sure the ggs is in a area where people are needed
    • [KEYER] How to know when the group gatestone needs to be moved by someone else (I understand the basics behind this, this question ties into the "room priorities question")
      when the area around the ggs is completed
    • [bOSS] Which bosses is it best to use ragers on, or rather, which bosses shouldn't I use them on? Also, is there ever a time in which a familiar other than a rager is useful/acceptable?
      use ragers on every boss you can
    • [bOSS] I understand that thunderous is always towards 1 corner of his little platform more than the others. With respect to the corner he's closest too, is there any particular pillar that is best to hide behind?
      the one that allows you to see his messages better
    • [bOSS] On flesh floors, is it best to have a tanker? If so, what prayers do tanks/DPSers use throughout the fight? I've tried "tanking" once and died while praying melee due to the strong mage attacks, so does everyone just use mage pray?
      dont tank it doesn't matter
    • [ROOMS] When you need to catch the ferret running around, is bare-hand catching always better or are traps ever a viable option? It seems that bare-handed takes some time often, but never see anyone use a trap either.

    put 2 traps near a corner and lure the ferret to the corner

    These are just some of the questions I have come up with for the time being. Seeing as I'm only 91 DG at the time of writing this, I'm sure many more will pop up later as I progress. As I said before, I'm sure most of my experience will come with time and learning sevearl different things on my own, but for the time being, I'm open to all advice. Thank you.

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