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Everything posted by Piglet1014

  1. .Not really being scammed I just get ripped off all the time on items: - Bought Drag med for 600K - Bought Whip for 2.5 mil - Bought 500 laws at 1k ea - Traded Dragon Legs for Dragon Skirt + 200K - And the list goes on... It's difficult to believe I make my money merchanting :D . Guess I can just be really, really dumb sometimes...
  2. Getting a lot of money through slaying is quite hard, I worked out that if every monster I'd ever killed had been a slayer monster (for slayer xp) I wouldn't have enough xp to take on Abyssal Demons, and I'm level 86. I know it's not that high but it demonstrates that slaying is in no way a quick way to get money.
  3. It may be the case that new Runescape players will replace the old ones but that isn't the point. These high level P2Ps who will leave have spent money and time building up their accounts and I think it's actually grossly immoral of Jagex to push these players into quitting and losing everything they've built up over the years. And I hate to break it to Jagex but this won't even fix cash farming. People will just loan their account out to someone who will farm the cash for them and then return their account. This is what happens when people power level for money, now it will happen for all RWT. So congrats Jagex, you've fixed nothing and ruined (almost) everything.
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