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  1. Hey, I was wondering, is there a table or something which tells you how many quest points equal how much trade limit etc? Like "10 quest points = ___, 20 quest points = ___" etc? Thanks.
  2. You mean to tell me you no-lifed your way through 2 years, and then come on here and whine about it, like it is anyone elses fault but your own? It is easy to have a life and play Runescape. You have no-one but yourself to blame. They should start up a No-Lifers Anonymous or something, maybe you could go and do seminars as a reformed No-Lifer.
  3. I've just been on a trip to the wilderness to buy some team capes. :ohnoes: The first time I was looking for the yellow dot of the cape seller William near the red dragons, and when I finally found it I used the last couple of % of run to get to him, only to find a giant orc coming over the hill. At this point I just accepted death but it walked right past me without attacking. I logged off and went to a different world, only to find a ghost which started maging me straight away. I ran about 10 seconds across the wilderness and it still followed me. Eventually I got away though. Still can't find William and those revenents have scared the... out of me.
  4. Look on the bright side... you probably just made some fat greasy 30 year old guy, living in his parents basement's day by giving him a bandos body. :oops:
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