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Everything posted by Powblockhero

  1. Summoning will be P2P only. I have proof. If Mod Mark is telling the truth, Summoning will be members only. So I'd say that free clans are going to be hit pretty hard. Unless Jagex changes their mind (which I know they won't), free players will probably either subscribe, or quit clans.
  2. Who would be talking about Summoning on RSC?
  3. There's also a picture of Paul saying that it's P2P only. I'm really confused. :? I'm just worried that Summoning is going to be a dud. It wouldn't be the first time that Jagex let us down. If it is F2P (I'm F2P), then I will only train it if it's usefull me being pure melee. Summoning a monster would be usefull in Bounty Hunter.
  4. Jagex is to blame for this. They were the ones who agreed to let Miniclip link to them. I'm sure we would all like to link to RuneScape if we could. Jagex also doesn't think anything else. I bet the whole Summoning skill will turn out to be a huge dud. I mean, look at what happened to me. I don't know how, but someone got ahold of my password and now I'm stuck with a lvl. 3 noob account. I never ever beg. The only time I ever get free stuff is when somebody offers it to me. I had a lvl. 35 (which is a big accomplishment for what small amount I played), but now its ruined. Now people are treating RuneScape like it is real life. If you want to have a life like RuneScape, take a knife from the cupboard and start chucking it at birds. Seriously, it's just a game. Now people are doing whatever it takes to get their hands on people like Yogosun's and Zezima's account. I even know a kid who snuck on the computer at night just to play RuneScape. He didn't do anything but get a bunch of iron and a little mining xp.
  5. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the game was called RS Daemon. I wish Jagex would do something about those. I know a really big one that the Tip.It admins won't let you say (it'll just get replaced with "[Forbidin cheat site]"), but I'll tell you that it's probably the biggest one around and it even lets you create your own server.
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