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meili last won the day on August 22 2024

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  1. Oh, I used to chat with The Hate a lot! Hope you've been well.
  2. Yes, I still have my account, though I haven't been playing.
  3. Hiya! Yeah, I randomly logged in RS3 today. It was very nostalgic!
  4. Oh, I remember Soul Steal! I still feel sad about him dying so young! Those memories. Soul Steal and I were old school pures, and we all knew each other at the time, though most of us went impure later on.
  5. Wow, it's 2021 and this post still hasn't died! Here's a pic as my contribution. Someone posted this screenshot on Tip It forums about him dying to the Malicious Intent clan. I forgot whose pic this is though. I got the kill. X Volcome X is Azn Purity, IIRC.
  6. I still visit and post every now and then. :)
  7. Nice. I normally buy the 1 year membership during Christmas time when they release perks and stuff. This might be good if I open a new account for Darkscape. :) Thanks a lot.
  8. Dang, god babies and Beiber. I'm scared now.
  9. Hmm the limited slots for GE are a pain and I can see why this might be very hard for f2p accounts. So, basically despite the title of this thread nothing has actually changed.
  10. So annoying! I didn't train my char up to max combat just so some low def players can get boosted stats to kill me. Just to clarify, I'm blaming Jagex and the boost, not the players.
  11. To my mind these armor problems are trivial. At the end of the day you can change your equips. The more alarming thing is auto-attacks not working and having to button mash every few seconds - you can't buy changes to that in the GE. I need to test it more but I think my char was also targeting the wrong mobs when in an aggressive area. That sort of thing needs to be fixed pronto. Maybe... I know, right?
  12. So auto-attacks don't work at all? I am also horrified that people are asking for faster cooldowns. That just means more button-mashing. IMO, slower cooldowns but more damage would be better. ~ fast cooldown - massive button pressing every few seconds ~ slow cooldown - not too much messing about with buttons, you can chat and relax when doing combat
  13. Posted this in the RSOF Feedback thread: I genuinely fail to understand why some things are missing or seem buggy in EOC. Auto-retaliate doesn't work - I went to a place with aggresive spawn. Auto-retal was on. I successful attacked one monster but after I killed it my char just stood there doing nothing even though it was being attacked. What's up with that? Targeting the wrong monster - so in the aggressive place (edge dungeon), after I killed the one monster and my char just stood there not doing anything, I tried clicking on the abilites (hotkey 1,2,3, etc. ) and I got an error message saying "you are already fighting someone else." Um, nope my char was not fighting it was just standing there. The message seems to say that my char was in combat but when I tried to use the abilities it was targeted on the wrong mob. How did that happen when I didn't manually click on any one? Cannot see which enemy is attacking - so okay, since I got that message I tried to click on the monster that I saw attacking me. Alas, there were two/three of them in the same square so I had to right click and try attacking each one by one to find the correct enemy. ~ in the current combat system my char is very intelligent, if someone attacks, my char attacks back with perfect accuracy on auto-retaliate. EOC seems to have unintelligent chars that don't know what to do No macros - in every other game of of this type with abilities there is always a "macro" or chain command where you can set it to do several abilities/spells/actions. For example, you shouldn't have to click 1 10 times, then 2 once every single time. You should be able to create a macro where when you click on it will do several abilities at the same time. I don't mean they will happen at the same time I mean in the same way that when you cook, you only click once and it cooks everything in your inventory. Combat should have a similar option. ~ needless to say I was one of the 20% that dislike it but I think we all pretty much knew that Jagex was going through with this no matter what we said.
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