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Posts posted by IeatWindex

  1. At 88 attack, 92 strength, 87 defense, 70 prayer, 78 range and 78 magic can I do the Fight Caves. I also have 10m or so.

    My current armor is neitzi helm, bandos chestplate, dragon defender, torag legs, whip, glory, and dragon boots. Thats my basic setup, doubt it'd be good for caves. Suggestions?

  2. never heard of this news broadcast...channel. Its interesting to watch.

    Al Jazeera's pretty awesome. One of the few places you'll get REAL world news.

    You should of seen Al Jazeera air the real effects of the war in the Middle East, the bombings, the roads, all live tv. My family is Moroccan, which is a location on the north west coast of Africa, and we've always had Al Jazeera. Actually right now my mom said that the protesters said they're not stoping till Mubarek steps down or they force him out.

  3. I've never been the religious type. To me, religion usually dictates how to live your life, how to act, and what to do to please a god that might not even exist. Though some of how religions encourage you to act is typically the right way to act, the "do this you'll be rewarded and if you don't you'll face punishment" gets to me. I'm more of a person who's free minded. The biggest restraint to me, in any religion, is your thinking. Your not a true believer if you doubt anything that is taught in that religion. I can't say there is a god, and I can't say there isn't. I just find it hard to believe that a god made all of this around us, because then where did the god come from? Did he just one day appear out of thin air with abilities far beyond comprehension? This is my train of thought. All of this around us had to of started somehow, and that's what I'm interested in.

  4. So I need some opinions here. Here's the full story. I was dating this girl, Sidney, for quite a bit. I really, really liked her. I talked to her 24/7, from the moment I woke up till I went to bed. A real bond developed, or so I thought. One day, I get broken up with, because things just felt akward to her. My first reaction was shock. For the 2 weeks that followed I was feeling a mixture of depression and anger. I also had some sleeping problems. Everything I did, triggered a memory of being with her. Even watching football. She realized how I was feeling and for some odd reason decided to try to help me. I wanted to throw everything in her face, make her feel really bad, but I couldn't. I couldn't bear to think of being that cold to her. And here I am, a month or two later, still having heartache. I'm not really depressed anymore, but I'm sad every now and then. Worst part is I can't move on, and I still miss her, and like her. I guess for anyone to truly understand the degree of how this feels, they had to have been through the same. So, and this is where my question lies, how do I move on?

  5. In light of the return of free trade (Im not crazy for PK'ing) I decided it's time to come back. My main, which is a member, is a level 117 with 87 attack, 92 strength, 87 defence, 89 HP, 76 ranged, 78 Mage, 70 prayer, and 49 summoning. I'm working on 90 attack/defence and I'm assuming the whip is best for this still? I don't know the new best setup as mine atm is Netzi helm, glory, torag body, torag legs, whip, dragon boots, legend cape, and I picked up a dragon defender. Is slayer still best for leveling melée? My slayer is 60. Primarily my main question is what is the newer setup for training melée? I have roughly 9m to spend on anything completely neccesary. And also, if anyone knows, what new quests are important?

    Thanks in advance to anyone.

  6. It's hard to articulate, but the idea I guess I'm trying to convey is when some girls press up against you feel like they're pressing up against your soul.


    Zyg that face just made me laugh.


    I find all types of girls attractive, but most Latina girls are, for lack of a better word, sexy. Or beautiful. Because there's actually a difference. Victoria Justice amirite?

  7. I like girls that aren't pushovers and the ones where you can get in a relationship with and be a bestfriend aswell as a girlfriend. That person you can always fall back on.


    I guess to sum it up I'd say the trustworthy type?


    Oh, and shorter than me. I prefer being the taller one.

  8. "everything that i don't like is bad!"

    What would be the point in the discussion if not for opinions? Jesus christ kid.

    "everyone that disagrees with me must be a kid!"


    February 12, 1996


    Kids arguing with kids IMO.


    Damn kids need to get off my lawn.


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