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Posts posted by l0l0lpur32

  1. I suppose people being put in gulags etc in the USSR was "just a different way of living" then?


    Lol, great arguing technique, perhaps since I'm left wing youd like to compare me to hitler as as well?




    I'm sorry but Gulags are not an inherent part of communism


    Why has every communist state, EVER had them in some shape or form then?


    They havent, you're only looking at a certain type of communist police state and assuming thats what constitutes communism.




    Most modern marriages are a form of communism, and your unlikely to find a gulag anywhere in sight, most tribal societies are communistic in nature and equally lacking in gulags.




    If your looking for a reason why no large countries are pure communist its because it requires more technology and wealth than most countries are capable of, you have to have complete mass communication systems to make a true communism work and we are only just getting to the state where we have voting machines and they are still at a primitive and untrusted state.


    But smaller communisms are visible all around the world in all sorts of place and without a gulag in sight.


    Difference: marriage is by choice. The main reason why communism is impossible is because it'd require everyone to agree with it (or to be forced to agree with it).

  2. I suppose people being put in gulags etc in the USSR was "just a different way of living" then?


    Lol, great arguing technique, perhaps since I'm left wing youd like to compare me to hitler as as well?




    I'm sorry but Gulags are not an inherent part of communism


    Why has every communist state, EVER had them in some shape or form then?

  3. I see no reason why he shouldn't be able to keep the rest $82,500 dollars as a reward.


    OK how about "Because other people are in need of that money"!!!


    Isn't that a good reason he shouldnt get to keep the money?


    So you suggest just stealing all that money off them? Progressive taxation is a necessary evil but stealing ALL the money is just too far


    Lol its not stealing, its just a different way of living, does a wife steal from a husband when she uses the money hes earnt to buy herself food? No of course not, its called sharing.


    And as for life not being fair, its only not fair if we dont make it fair.


    I suppose people being put in gulags etc in the USSR was "just a different way of living" then?

  4. I see no reason why he shouldn't be able to keep the rest $82,500 dollars as a reward.


    OK how about "Because other people are in need of that money"!!!


    Isn't that a good reason he shouldnt get to keep the money?


    So you suggest just stealing all that money off them? Progressive taxation is a necessary evil but stealing ALL the money is just too far

  5. Doctors are in demand because unfortunately most people will suffer from disease. Doctors are low in numbers because there aren't enough university places to meet with supply; it remains true only 1 out of 10 applicants will receive a place in through UCAS. There are more than enough students in both of our countries who want to be doctors - the situation you described simply does not exist.


    I'm not saying only 1 in 10 are good enough but are you seriously saying every single person who applies is good enough and should all get places?

  6. How the hell is "libertarian socialism" possible? left-wing economics require a strong state to enforce, which is the opposite to libertarianism




    Couldn't really follow that due to your sloppy English. But are you trying to say insituting a libertarian society cannot be done in a "strong" (your word choice, so ambiguous) state?


    Maybe I should've used the word "intrusive" rather than "strong"




    That info doesn't answer my question. ^^^


    Yes. (I agree with assasin that "Libertarian socialism" is a paradox)




    Agreeing that socialism is a paradox doesn't answer my question lawl.




    I'll ask it again: Are you trying to say instituting a libertarian society cannot be done in a "intrusive"(strange word choice) state?


    Yes, because the main point of libertarianism is the government staying out of people's lives.

  7. How the hell is "libertarian socialism" possible? left-wing economics require a strong state to enforce, which is the opposite to libertarianism




    Couldn't really follow that due to your sloppy English. But are you trying to say insituting a libertarian society cannot be done in a "strong" (your word choice, so ambiguous) state?


    Maybe I should've used the word "intrusive" rather than "strong"




    That info doesn't answer my question. ^^^


    Yes. (I agree with assasin that "Libertarian socialism" is a paradox)

  8. How the hell is "libertarian socialism" possible? left-wing economics require a strong state to enforce, which is the opposite to libertarianism




    Couldn't really follow that due to your sloppy English. But are you trying to say insituting a libertarian society cannot be done in a "strong" (your word choice, so ambiguous) state?


    Maybe I should've used the word "intrusive" rather than "strong"

  9. The Americas were colonised before Marx was even born... I don't know much about the native Americans but if they did have some form of system where the tribes shared out all their resources equally it's nothing to do with communism.

  10. Why is there a thread about communism every week anyway? I suppose it is funny to watch wannabe tinpot dictators argue with eachother though.




    Link me to another "communism thread", and don't spam. And discussion of a type of politics doesn't make anyone here a wanna-be dictator, or even communist at all. :thumbdown:




    Anyways, at the whole baggers vs. doctors debate-


    People want to be happy, they want to be content and without bore the most possible. Does becoming a bagger, and bagging for the rest of your life really sound fun to you? In a communistic government money is irrelevant when it comes to careers, its only about interest, enjoyment and servitude. Who do you think would be more respected? Who, generally speaking, would be more content with his or her job?




    There would be an obvious social hierarchy, but instead of the main variable being earnings, it would most likely be based upon skill, servitude and the impact in which the job has on society more so than in a capitalist economy.


    Other "communism threads":


    viewtopic.php?f=10&t=774938&hilit=communism (I haven't bothered to read it all but judging from the posts which I have read, it turned into one)


    viewtopic.php?f=10&t=773343&hilit=communism (see above)


    viewtopic.php?f=10&t=771419&p=6275679&hilit=communism#p6275679 (and again)


    viewtopic.php?f=10&t=770726&hilit=communism (same as above, but specifically about socialism/communism rather than turning into one)


    I can find more if you'd like




    Communism benefits no-one except the central planners who run it.




    Yeah, that really made me lul at the sheer lack of logic. If you were to make a thread about something like....."The vows of marriage", but then I said that there are too many threads about marriage and or vows and linked you to a thread about Gay marriage, The Definition of Love, and the laws regarding marriages. Its pretty idiotic.


    All the threads I linked to are VERY similar in content to this one.

  11. Why is there a thread about communism every week anyway? I suppose it is funny to watch wannabe tinpot dictators argue with eachother though.




    Link me to another "communism thread", and don't spam. And discussion of a type of politics doesn't make anyone here a wanna-be dictator, or even communist at all. :thumbdown:




    Anyways, at the whole baggers vs. doctors debate-


    People want to be happy, they want to be content and without bore the most possible. Does becoming a bagger, and bagging for the rest of your life really sound fun to you? In a communistic government money is irrelevant when it comes to careers, its only about interest, enjoyment and servitude. Who do you think would be more respected? Who, generally speaking, would be more content with his or her job?




    There would be an obvious social hierarchy, but instead of the main variable being earnings, it would most likely be based upon skill, servitude and the impact in which the job has on society more so than in a capitalist economy.


    Other "communism threads":


    viewtopic.php?f=10&t=774938&hilit=communism (I haven't bothered to read it all but judging from the posts which I have read, it turned into one)


    viewtopic.php?f=10&t=773343&hilit=communism (see above)


    viewtopic.php?f=10&t=771419&p=6275679&hilit=communism#p6275679 (and again)


    viewtopic.php?f=10&t=770726&hilit=communism (same as above, but specifically about socialism/communism rather than turning into one)


    I can find more if you'd like




    Communism benefits no-one except the central planners who run it.

  12. Everyone who quit was replaced with 5 10 year olds from mini-clip




    You mean people like you?


    I quit RS and got a life 2 years ago, now go back to cutting your pixel trees.




    If you're literate, then you'd notice that I don't play


    Nice 1693 hours of runescape in your sig?




    That's over a year old?




    NOTICE: All time




    It means I haven't played any games more than that




    And I left the client running over night when I couldn't be assed to turn my computer off


    Stop trying to deny the fact you still play RS.

  13. As for your answer of yes to my question, what to you is fair about a doctor doing years of hard study to earn $X a week if a grocery bagger can earn the same on a little bit of relatively easy training? You can see what I'm saying here, can't you?


    It's fair if there is no greed, which communism assumes.


    I'd say communism is more "greedy" than capitalism, to be honest.

  14. A capitalist economy works out fine for the United States,


    No, it doesn't. If America was a socialist or even communist nation, the economy probably wouldn't have crashed, because you wouldn't have been allowed to do the things that caused the economy to crash. (Giving people loans that they can't afford, etc.- If I remember right Bush voted for the deregulation of the financhial market which allowed just that.)



    The whole argument that all problems in the economy (recessions etc) would come to an end in a command economy is a joke.

  15. correction, "after Islam, which will be the next big religion."




    yes, a higher percentage of the worlds population is Muslim than any other. i bet a few people were pretty pissed when they found out, though. :lol:




    but please... don't make me go find the news article... it'll take ages....


    I remember reading a while ago that although Islam just took over Roman Catholicism, Christianity as a whole is still larger than Islam.

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