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Posts posted by l0l0lpur32

  1. Stop the closing of the gap between the grades awarded the top students and the grades awarded to the bottom students.


    Scrap university tuition fees - although I suppose the money to send 50% of all students I think it is? to university has to come from somewhere.


    Make school be more about preparing people for life rather than to pass exams.

  2. And here's the massive update I was predicting. CNN claims 77-34, Obama, sounds right as most of Obama's states at the minute are the northeastern ones and Illinois.


    ...Still to early to tell, after the Bible Belt is over it should be clearer.




    BBC claiming 27 84






    Is there a reason why the east cost counts faster than west?




    The east coast is in a different timezone, so closed earlier.

  3. On paper, Communism sounds great and better than Capitalism, unfortunately in the real world it's never worked out that way.


    I've never understood why people say this lol.


    I know, the Soviet Union worked great. Oh...




    East Germany, for sure. No...




    China? Uh-uh.




    North Korea? We don't know...




    Cuba? I'll go look for one of the folks on floating goats.


    That (the fact nearly... no every communist state has/had to put it very lightly, political repression) wasn't even my point, I've just never understood why people always say it - more specifically, how many actually mean it and can back it up, and aren't just saying it because they heard someone else say it.

  4. I don't understand the mentality of these people who think drugs/prostitution should be illegal..








    If you take certain chemicals you can actually be locked in a cell for doing so. This is basically the same as saying "WE OWN YOU."








    Really, it is. How can you possibly even attempt to justify telling someone what they can and cannot do with their own body?




    What about when it starts affecting other people? e.g. drunk/drugged driving. The way "telling someone what they can and cannot do with their own body" can be justified is that irresponsible behaviour is dangerous to other people, not just the person who is acting irresponsibly.

  5. Ahh, this is complicated.




    I'm 13 years old(8th grade), mature both sexually and mentally(I've had a deep voice since maybe 11), intelligent, somewhat athletic, and I find myself to be quite attractive. My luck with the ladies is not really great (honestly I think it's because of my race and my height[5'1']).


    Now I've been bored a lot lately and I really think it's time I start dating. I also believe I am ready to have sex. I could confidently walk into a store and buy condoms if needed. The problem, as I said before, is getting girls to like me. I have quite lenient standards but they can't be stupid as hell, or ugly(at least look like you can take care of yourself, I don't think being overweight/the like is something to be happy about as you likely inflicted it upon thyself). Now I've been wondering, why am I not so successful. I am always a gentleman and I give respect to every member of the fairer sex if they deserve it.


    You're 13.

  6. I'm on the fastest internet the UK has to offer (I think), namely Virgin Media fibre optic, and all I'm getting is 5240 down, 706 up with all other programs closed..




    I don't see why we can't just use the same technology that they use in Japan.... London has about 8 million people compared to Tokyo's 9 million people, not really that far apart. I don't get it.. what is stopping UK companies from introducing such mega speeds? Patented technology?


    The demand isn't high enough for the investment needed to build the infrastructure required for the "mega speeds" to be worth it.

  7. ^^ They don't need the house Republicans votes to pass the bill.




    Few things about the debate:




    I thought Lehrer was brilliant. I don't see how you thought this was a poorly moderated debate Ginger, I thought it was refreshing because he allowed and DIRECTED them to talk to each other, rather than to him, AND he pressed his questions if they didn't answer.




    Anyway, if this debate doesn't convince you to vote for Obama or do everything in your power to stop John McCain, nothing will.




    I wonder if the clip I am referring to is on youtube yet, or is at all, but the most telling part of the debate was this question:




    Lehrer asked the candidates to talk about what priorities the financial crisis would prompt them to put on hold. They both used a lot of dumb flowery language about what they WOULDN'T cut. Lehrer kept at it.




    Eventually, he got McCain to say that aside from defense, veterans spending, and like one other thing that I can't remember off of the top of my head, that we should consider a total budget freeze.




    I mean....WTF! Total budget freeze? Are you INSANE!?! This isn't like Ron Paul, who proposed specific measures against specific federal departments...this is a total budget freeze.




    Basically, he wants us to go into wartime mode because of this financial crisis. It's bread lines, instead of trying to get people to take positive action.




    What a complete tool bag.




    If we had a spending freeze it would only take a few years until we had a surplus instead of these massive deficits.




    You're out of your [bleep] mind, and so is John McCain; not even Ron "Get Rid of Most of the Federal Government and End All Spending" Paul is that insane.




    You don't have a total spending freeze, even people who aren't Keynesian Economists know that. Just as a rule you don't stop buying everything except bread in hard financial times, you buy durable goods.




    This man is not just an idiot or insane anymore...he's dangerous.


    The current policy of massive spending isn't sustainable.


    No thanks, only idiots believe that our problems lie at the Federal Reserve and don't understand what "deflation" is.




    Canada has a nearly identical system as we do, and they have no issues.


    Define "no issues"...


    My preferred solution would be socialism, which contrary to snipersas' belief, has been tried successfully in many cases. Even those who champion capitalism have to look at this system and take a long hard think, because as it is, it's hopelessly unstable.



    yeah, just look at north korea, 1917-1991 russia etc :roll:




    The failure of the regime in the former Soviet Union was, for me, not the failure of Marxism but the failure of totalitarianism.


    Ah, the "the USSR wasn't really marxist/socialist/communist" argument.


    My preferred solution would be socialism, which contrary to snipersas' belief, has been tried successfully in many cases. Even those who champion capitalism have to look at this system and take a long hard think, because as it is, it's hopelessly unstable.



    yeah, just look at north korea, 1917-1991 russia etc :roll:

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