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Posts posted by 999134

  1. Fishy HQ FC locked -> Fishy Plants FC locked


    Fishy has begun to realize that he's just going to continue to be locked so what he did now was told his ranks to start hosting in FCs of ranks in other dice clans in an attempt to get those people locked and take down other hosts with him. They were also hosting in Sparc Mac's FC, and a few high betters from other clans.


    That made me speecheless. That guy deserves to get slapped.

    I actually almost fell victim to this, very very luckily for me one of my friends warned me and I closed my fc asap.

    Also targeting a lot of well known stakers (person who warned me had it happen to them).

  2. Hid some posts from public view. Naming names is not permitted on these boards, guys. Just discuss the glitch (without detailing how to perform it), maybe talk about other glitches you've encountered, and share your knowledge to help your community. There's no need to start mud-slinging in all this.


    Thanks guys.

    I would really disagree in cases like this, naming names can specifically protect people, as it seems like a very small group that are abusing this glitch.

    Are you trying to protect his reputation or something, it is one thing to slander someone without proof, but when there is clear evidence it seems pointless.

    The entire well known rwters thread is this, so why not allow known glitchers to be named and shamed to protect people?

    • Like 11
  3. Decided to spend 100m on a hide and seek thingy.



    However the big last prize no one won. (despite having 30 mins to find me :)).



    So doing something else for people to win.


    That egg + fury/kit will be given the the person who makes and posts on tif the best guide to bathtubs in runescape, the rules are as follows:


    - You have 1 week from this post.

    - Pictures must be taken yourself.

    - Must contain EVERY Bath in runescape, if I or anyone else can find 3 or more you have missed you do not win.

    - Must be done yourself, no group guides :L.

    - If 2 or more people have every bathtub, quality of writing/pictures/clarity in finding bathtubs will be accessed. (Fastest methods to get to them).

  4. Many of us perfectly understand the value of money. We also understand the value of conscience and ethics. Just because we can do things doesn't mean we ought to.


    Most rich players cheat

    That is a pretty broad generalisation.

    A lot of the richest players are those with hat sets/loads of rares from like 04 they never sold. Also many merchants are very rich.

    Just because a few of the high profile rich rs players lure, glitch, ddos, scam and rwt, does not mean the majority do.

    • Like 1
  5. Throughout his video I was just thinking, well at least you still have decades worth of normal working people's earnings, tax free, to comfort your loss with.


    I am amazed these people are not caught for tax avoidance (I know this has been discussed loads of times).

  6. Finally they banned fishy and starry, it took freakin long enough.


    This may sound stupid and I am very wary to believe it, but a friend who hosts in Fishy Fc told me that it took so long because both Fishy and Starry (and a few others) maxed out their spin buying every day, and Jagex was hesitant to get rid of 400$+/day revenue.

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