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Posts posted by 999134

  1. Scapecraft mod now has a proper server, it is survival with bukkit plugins like factions to protect any areas you want from greifers, and pvp is restricted to the duel arena.


  2. sgbu0ft.png

    don't play any more but what I still have. Those are chargebows (used to be slings) guam seeds and goblin mail.

    When I had nearing like 100b at one point bought loads of crap, I was close to 100 disks of returnings as well but lost them.

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  3. Even though I can't say I am super into this game anymore, if the zombie hordes are finally here, I might have a reason to build that tiered fortress I've been thinking about. Won't need to build a zombie farm.


    If you wanted a harder end game and don't mind a mod, the Twilight Forest has some bosses that are a fair bit stronger than anything in vanilla, and the world itself is in general substantially more hostile. I don't think it comes with any uber armour or anything, but still has some stuff that would make it worth exploring to an otherwise vanilla game if I recall correctly (I think it's the mod with the divining rod for mining).

    Shameless plug.



    The Scapecraft mod I and a few others have been working on is now significantly harder than vanilla, collecting stuff like a full godsword or dragon, or even surviving with no back up from friendly npcs is pretty tough.

  4. Looks good and however much I would like to complain about it just because I don't play the main game anymore, Jagex is actually starting to look like they might be able to pull out a competitive current age game, albeit a pretty different one, calling it Runescape 3 seems fitting.

  5. It is not really possible to become uber rich without drawing attention to yourself.

    Big stakers get noticed, big merchants like md3w get noticed, and obviously clan owners get noticed even if they they try to avoid it (KO for example).

    Methods like GE flipping you can keep quiet and rich, but not Uber rich.


    All the consistent big stakers know each other, and it is really not possible to hide your wealth if you are that rich, people do work out who is buying loads of rares for example.

  6. But they have made up for it with (correctly) banning all the super rich players.

    There are people with 40-50b+ left I am sure.

    But the KOs, WADs and Fishy's have been banned, and even the super rich who have not been banned have rwted what they have left, but no longer have income sources so are no longer rich (Apple, Lucky D).


    The gap between the super rich and the average player is falling massively.


    I still cannot believe how incompetent they were/are with catching RWTers, the massive gold farmers might be difficult, but the individual super rich players should be really easy to catch.

  7. When you are talking about the richest rs players, 30-40b is "only" in that context, compared to some peoples 500b+ made generally from being a flower/dice clan owner (or more rarely staking, but I don't actually know of anyone who has made that much purely from staking).

    By working with, I mean he directly sold all of his items at vastly inflated prices to the gold dupers in exchange for buying more rares to sell to them while they duped.




    Also interestingly it looks like the age of the uber uber rich has ended in runescape, with gambling being killed off and staking a shadow of its former self, no one is becoming insanely rich.

  8. Again read what I have said, he only made 30-40b 'legit' then worked with the gold dupers to get most of his bank. And when he got those 20 crackers they were only 70-80b, all rares have exploded in price.

    And why is getting 200b and then losing it less impressive than keeping it, just proves you where only there to count numbers going up (or to rwt...) rather than having fun.

  9. But it is also far more profitable and fun (that really is not subjective before someone tries to be 'that guy', standing around buying/selling the same item for 15 hours a day vs staking...)


    Oh and don't get me wrong, aside from like the first page of the highscores, Md3w's achievements are FAR more impressive than mindlessly grinding 200ms.


    Also take anything he said he had with a pinch of salt, was a compulsive lier, and although I am sure the 20 crackers is real, stuff he claims to have over that/what people have seen I really doubt. Same goes for how much he sold, could be anywhere from only getting like 1 cracker rwted before ban and is too embarrassed, or he managed to sell it all for a lot more than he says just to avoid maximum hate.

  10. I eventually lost most of my banks doing 10bil stakes because I was bored.


    So in short, you do feel that it is more impressive to do a 10b stake then to spend 15+ hours a day merching the ge and w2.


    Shame you were not friends with md3w though, could of given him some tips on getting "cleaned" in the end :P

    It is always funny for people to claim I rwt despite pretty much all my big losses being videoed.

    But if it makes you feel better about your play style to assume I cheat then fine.

  11. Uh no none of that ^ is "legal". Jagex has been VERY clear that one input must = one output, anything else is cheating.


    Now I really don't care personally, but don't argue that it is "borderline" when jagex has been very clear that that is not allowed lol.



    To clarify, Md3w was banned for RWT prior to this incident, not for botting.



    There is the usual controversy where several of these players' friends claim that they'd never bot etc. particularly in the case of Tugn.



    Why does this guy claim top 10 merchers when ive never heard of him

    Md3w uggg.

    He made like 50m a day from standing on w2 for like 2 years, got a decent bank ~30-40b from this, but really considering the time he played (like 15 hours a day just trying to flip 1-2 blue hats a day) was not very impressive.

    His big break was selling his huge amount of crackers/blues/other items to the gold dupers for REALLY high prices, made like 50b from it (he even bought like 7 back on the ge or something stupid like that).




    What is the sudden ban wave for, is it anything specific? Botting or rwting or just both, but focused on maxed accounts.

    Because apple still is not banned L.


    If you think world 2 merching for 15 hours a day for multiple years to amass over 200b gp is unimpressive, then doing a few big stakes and winning billions per day must look like shit comparatively.


    edit- thought I'd add 50m/day would take 11 years for md3w to make the ~205b bank he left with.


    I also was not an md3w fan, mostly out of jealousy. But I do think it's funny a staker is saying his merching was unimpressive.

    why do you think that? I made (and lost) far more than him in far less time. Earning the same amount in way less time is much more impressive, Md3w is one of the least impressive rich rs players.

    And didn't you read the bit about me saying his big break was the gold dupers.

    Making 50m a day is unimpressive to any stakers, Md3w was rare in that he stuck to a decently profitable method (decent, not the best) and kept to it solidly no lifing for years, only impressive thing. Even most merchants lose their cash to playing (not allowed in rs) with their cash staking etc.

    Md3w never took ANY risks, ever. It payed off but to most people that would have been extremely boring, I eventually lost most of my banks doing 10bil stakes because I was bored.

    Also he kept trying to rip me off on cracker/hat sales >:/, like constantly he would offer 50-100m below market, became a running joke to add 50-100m to whatever md3w was offering for the market price.

  12. To clarify, Md3w was banned for RWT prior to this incident, not for botting.



    There is the usual controversy where several of these players' friends claim that they'd never bot etc. particularly in the case of Tugn.


    Why does this guy claim top 10 merchers when ive never heard of him

    Md3w uggg.

    He made like 50m a day from standing on w2 for like 2 years, got a decent bank ~30-40b from this, but really considering the time he played (like 15 hours a day just trying to flip 1-2 blue hats a day) was not very impressive.

    His big break was selling his huge amount of crackers/blues/other items to the gold dupers for REALLY high prices, made like 50b from it (he even bought like 7 back on the ge or something stupid like that).




    What is the sudden ban wave for, is it anything specific? Botting or rwting or just both, but focused on maxed accounts.

    Because apple still is not banned L.

  13. old school got me interested (/kept me interested marginally longer), but could not really hold my attention.

    Staking is horrific in old school, not only would I have to put days and days into training my account, the IP system is a terrible way of doing it, have heard of loads of people buying VPNs with the best IP setups etc, no way to keep up with that sort of stuff.

    Also the RWT is awful as well, Jagex pretty much always encouraged it by allowing server-server trading.

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