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Everything posted by H2PM

  1. My guess, somewhere in North Carolina.
  2. ...This looks shopped. But I guess it's not. My brain.
  3. 15$, my bad. But come on, it's like you guys aren't even trying.
  4. Guys. Seriously... XBL headsets are 10$.
  5. Gonna go check out any damage that may have happened over night.
  6. We're talking about Pie here. It's more than what he gets anyway.
  7. Meese is the plural of moose.
  8. Moose aren't usually seen in this part of Maine, but I guess they're everywhere once you get north of Bangor.
  9. With these terrible puns, yes it is.
  10. 9 Days until the final day.
  11. Yeah... I just said that. Also, if you're not some significant figure in OT, you will be ignored, Pepsi. Your best bet to ask that question was in a more suitable thread such as the Drinking and Drugs thread or the Marijuana legalization thread.
  12. Mhmmmmm Hmmhmmmm Mhmhhmmmm Night.
  13. That Skype call when my friend unexpectedly visited my house at 11pm, and everyone thought I got raped. Oh, those were the times.
  14. The [bleep] are you trying to say?
  15. Angry ticks fly out of my nipples.
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