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Everything posted by H2PM

  1. FFFFFF Freaking power making me loose connection to online gaems I'm jus trayin' to play dis gaem yall aint lettin' meh
  2. This thread is everything ever combined.
  3. Tyler must be on her period again.
  4. inb4Jimmyisaclosetweeaboowithaneckbeard
  5. Well. You are reading youtube comments. What do you expect?
  6. As I was walking through town today, to see what damage there was, when I noticed a few benches were toppled over at town hall. I wanted to take a picture of it and remake it as Pepsi's signature. I might do it tomorrow if they're still toppled over.
  7. exactly There's a difference in just watching anime and doing what's stated above you know. Trolling.
  8. I would join if the wind wasn't still blowing like the blabber of an angry woman.
  9. H2PM


    1337 pages? Yawn. We did it last August. You guys are small time.
  10. I went to bed at 7, woke up at 9, with a two hour nap before that. I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight.
  11. Why are all your images sideways...? Also, power just came back on, after it being off for about 7 hours. Wicked winds today. As I was making my rounds through town, a good sized branch slammed into a van that I passed a few feet from me. Scared me enough to stay inside for the rest of the night.
  12. A simple google search says: "Someone who is obsessed with Japan/Japanese Culture/Anime, etc. and attempts to act as if they were Japanese, even though they're far from it. They use Japanese words but usually end up pronouncing them wrong and sounding like total [wagon]."
  13. POWER IS BACK But probably not for long.
  14. It went out for a few seconds.
  15. When the power goes off then immediately back on after a few seconds.
  16. My face when Blue Hill is the only town on the Peninsula with power.
  17. Guys. Dizzle didn't post a image. [quote name='Dizzle229' timestamp='1314503551' post='4998896'] Posted Image [/quote] Edit: What Pie said.
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