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  1. Profiteering and Pvp. I'm stocked up on plenty of super/pure sets, plus some other gear. (rune sets, etc) But the Pvp aspect sounds fun too, hopefully it'll be what everyone is hoping for. \
  2. Some people may disagree with me, but I absolutely hate Warped Terrorbirds/Tortoise task. -.- It's just a pain in the butt, you have to use the Crystal Chime on it, and if you dont kill it fast enough, you have to use it again. If you have a cannon it isn't "as" bad, but still an overall annoying task. :lol:
  3. It's ridiculous! I've been playing RuneScape for nearly two years now, and i was banned for something i did not do. I was supposedly "Real World Trading," according to JaGex. I most definitely was not! It's almost an insult to be accused of this, considering i received my very first offence, even though i have done nothing wrong, and i was banned for 10 days! on my very first offence! So i have 4 days left before i can begin to play again. I think it's not very fair now that i have 0.5 blackmarks (which doesn't concern me haha) it's that i was banned for 10 days, or better yet banned at all, when no evidence was shown for my so called "offence." Ok, im done venting, and im sure that it's happened to many others, so mine's probably not special :P Thanks for the venting space tipit! :D
  4. No need to get down on yourself man. Most people think the exact same thing that you do, "why am I so unlucky?" "when will I ever get the drop that i want?" Considering I was one of those people, until i started up slayer, and began to get drops like crazy. Visage from Black Drag, multiple d leg drops from irons/steels. Still no D chain drop, man that one is tough to get :lol: All i can say is to stick with it, dont get down on yourself, your drop will come soon enough. =]
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