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Posts posted by sibmaster

  1. I have yet to see any convincing evidence for ghosts, poltergeists, UFOs, bigfoot, etc.




    You would think that with the number of "paranormal investigators" we would've found something worthwhile by now.




    I always say something exists until proven false.




    A very good opinion to have ::'

  2. [hide=jirenma2001us]





    This is how I would do it--






    Add a new feature to construction.


    33 Construction -


    Cape Easel. Does the same as the Pluming stand, but adds the effect for capes






    Use a cape on the Cape Easel in your house.


    Choose some sort of symbol, just like you would if you were making a banner (maybe include more symbols?)-


    Craft cape with symbol and it would look like this...




    Mouse over and it will look like this :: Fire Cape (team: jirenma2001)






    Invite people to your house. Turn your request assistance on


    Somehow incorporate Request Assistance with this feature.






    So let's say you want to start a team with jirenma2001


    You would go to his house and bring the cape you want to wear.


    Then you would need to request assistance from jirenma2001. He would decide whether to allow to make a cape for you...


    The result would be the same as above, with whatever cape you want to use.


    So the mouse over might be Spottier Cape (team: jirenma2001)




    I think there should be a limit and there should also be a toggle off switch in case you wanted to switch teams in the future. But to make things fare, you should only be able to toggle off the team on a non-PVP world.


    This does make it P2P however....





    Will.. .. ..i think someone is on to something here =P


    This is a very strong suggestion =P

  3. Another reason to look forward to Guitar Hero World Tour: Billy Corgan playable character and release of a new single on the game as well as 3 other Pumpkins songs. \'




    wow, i didnt know that XD


    shame its for DS =P




    Your thinking of Guitar Hero: On Tour.




    World Tour (a.k.a. Guitar hero 4) comes out in October for every major platform. ::'




    Excellent!!! I will defo be getting that for 360 :lol:

  4. Hey, Sib, check out the Champion Your Band sticky at the top of the page. You should do one. It needs a bit more traffic, and it seems like you know enough about these guys to make it worth our while to read. =P




    I read it and became very confused on what to do :?


    But i have already said that on the actual sticky, so any responses, please reply to that.




    And thank you for comments people :thumbsup:


    ~ Sibmaster

  5. how about...


    if you can wear the normaly like now...with no bonuses...


    ...but when your in like...bounty hunter...and clan wars...(where teams and clans are present)


    ..the cape gives like +10 def bonus




    I'm not sure if that is along the same lines of what this topic is about, but wait until will_holmes replies to it. If not, use that suggestion in a topic related to BH or Clan Wars ::'

  6. I noticed that on the video games thread section there is a thread that states which states that there are official threads for video games, mainly to stop similar threads appearing, and so everyone knows what to post on.




    How about if we could have official tip it band, TV and Movie threads on the tv, music and movies section. This could neaten the thread section up a bit, and make it easier to find where to post your discussions.




    Just a small suggestion, i hope this in the right section :? if not, please move.




    Many thanks, Sibmaster

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