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Posts posted by sibmaster

  1. I rember when more people would take 30 seconds to nicely answer a question. I rember when my my combat level of 100 would have garned me respect rather being labled as [wagon] and people would ask for help on quests (I enjoyed helping). Still, there are good people who play, you just need to find them.




    those good people quit recently like the rest of us -.-




    Hey sib. Go to hell. This game is better than ever and you're just bitter.






    and no i am not one of these noobs that just goes "omg bring back the wildy", because tbh i dont really miss it. i just prefered the game SO much better like 3 years ago!

  2. Im very :? with muse. I can very rarely be bothered to listen through their pointless songs that seem to drone on forever. Although i do actually like Supermassive Black Hole.. ..


    .. ..not much else tho

  3. I rember when more people would take 30 seconds to nicely answer a question. I rember when my my combat level of 100 would have garned me respect rather being labled as [wagon] and people would ask for help on quests (I enjoyed helping). Still, there are good people who play, you just need to find them.




    those good people quit recently like the rest of us -.-

  4. Lol, you guys, it could be imaginary. Seeing as I coulda sworn I saw barney in my back yard at 2am... And there's no way he'd be back there... Then I realized I imagined it lol.




    A stereotypical view from someone who is very sceptical. -.-

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