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RuneScape Information

  1. who knows what the game will be like. they are being ridiculously secretive. its hard to say if i would drop runescape, but i doubt that i will. but if mechscape turned out to be such a great game that i did switch that would be awesome
  2. by the looks of it jagex has confirmed that there will not be skills or xp like any traditional mmo has. super excited about this game, i like the fact that it has a higher age target (hoping to see a little more maturity than recently in RS)
  3. i agree with you, they have a great power and should require more to have the honour of using them. unfortunately not many ppl will agree =/
  4. happy to be back on tip.it, took a break... well, in the first article, i didnt understand where the author was coming from. there seems to be a whole lot more medium and low level content and updates than high leveled ones. well written but i dont agree on most of the points. the second i really enjoyed. great to see some tested theories put into an equation. some of the terms used were not the universally accepted terms but since it was explained so well, that didnt matter. had fun reading the times, just like i do every week =D>
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