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Everything posted by Venomous

  1. Earlier tonight, BlackJackB51 asked a Eclipse official for a matched opts war and was gladly accepted. The rules were agreed on: Melee + binds only no corrupt items matched opts Triforce attacks rings allowed posting allowed no mass sniping Centre bounds of cwa classic Starting for Triforce: 19 (Dropped to 18 for match) Starting for Eclipse: 18 (No pic from me, Eclipse was in a death dance :( ) - In the start of the war, we piled Wizard 401 as Eclipse piled Tigerqueen31. Eclipse got their pile down faster than we got ours. In the middle of the war it seemed like a mess with people hitting other random people, but eventually everyone got back on track and stayed with their clan pile. When it came down to 7vs7, Triforce starting taking lead due to our sniper's damage on some of the remainding binders on Eclipse's side. In the end, Triforce wins 4-0. Ending: 4 Random pictures: Thanks for a clean and fun fight Eclipse. This war was longer than an hour. Keep this topic clean please. Any Triforce flaming in this topic will be striked.
  2. "By some clans" I guess its just opinions about posting here or there and considering it no honour or honour, but once again - RSC does not control other fansites and I really don't see what the problem is here, if people complain about stuff like mass sniping, than they should add "no mass sniping" in the rules, just like here, "no fansite posting or rsc posting" Just be more specific.
  3. I am sorry you think its "cheap" of Triforce to support other fansites. RSC does not have control of all other fansites, please understand that well and carefully. I will not be suprised if any other WG members decided to complain or rant about on a new topic if we ever encounter a next time.
  4. No clan EVER posts on other forums when it's not RSC Post, it's just respectable, most people take it as granted that "no RSC post" means no RSC post. We're not being sore losers, it was a fun war, I don't think anyone's sore over losing, just sore over your posting. And I don't think anyone in WG claimed to win the PKRI, you clearly outlasted us. Maybe they did, idk, they shouldn't have though. No clan ever does this? I've seen UBH, TKO and some other clans that I can't remember, that do this. If you say "no rsc post" Than its NO RSC POST. If you want to be more specific, say "no rsc post or no fansite posting" simple as that. This topic has no intentions to put WG down just like last time. Just like Dbzruler said, there are other fansites... Your "sore" because we like to support tipit and sals? I'm sorry.
  5. Wow, first you guys say we claimed a win from the 5 hour pkri which we did NOT claim, and now your complaining because Triforce supports Sals, tipit and rsc? Im kinda disappointed with some of WG members, they seemed to be complaining lately, honestly. Get off our backs.
  6. Good fights, was really fun. Thanks for the long pkri and its a shame NI crashed the war vs KO. As for the Pkri with WG+TBE I personally had 1 kill with 1 death and 2 assissts.. Also lagged the entire pkri =( After my first death, I lived the 2nd time for the whole war with half food and under 20 prayer the whole fight, you guys switched off me 3 times. Once again, thanks for the fights KO and WG + TBE.
  7. Topic from RSC: http://www.zybez.net/community/index.php?showtopic=1192946
  8. We tried to challenge ourselves, I guess we were a bit to over confident, grats on your win Gladz.
  9. I approached Thomasfd (High council of godz) and asked for a 1 day prep for matched opts, he gladly accepted. Hoping to be atleast a 15vs15 or higher, we pulled 19 and godz had 12 + 1 freind, which I allowed. Starting for KTS: 19 dropped to 13 - http://i39.tinypic.com/2unubd2.jpg Starting for Godz: 13 (They were in a death dance position) Godz started off by piling one of our low lvls while we piled a mid lvl, they got thier target down before ours taking a 1 man lead, after our first target was down, we had to choose our next pile wisely. Our 2 snipers sniped alot of their binders pretty badly so we took advantage and pile swapped or piled them next. After killing all or almost all of thier binders, we had the lead and never looked back. Wally was godz' last target but he lived with 1 hp. Ending for KTS: 8 Ending for Godz: 0 Random pictures: Thanks for the clean fight Godz.
  10. I went into AA's IRC and pmed AA's warlord, asked for a day prep matched opts. They had the advantage of timezone while this was late for alot of KTS. This war was accepted as matched opts. Starting for KTS: 26 dropped to 10. Starting for AA: 10 (1 Disconnected right after we attacked) KTS Starting: AA Starting: AA piled one of our tanks which let us kill about 3 people before they dropped our first, than they piled another good tank with 99 agility. She tanked the whole war and we basically won. Was hoping for higher opts from AA, thanks for the fight though. Ending for KTS: 9 Ending for AA: 0
  11. So after the win against Knights of order, KTS decided to set a pk trip with Dark Dynasty who was already out, we lost half of our opts because they had to go, so we did a joint pk trip with Dark Dynasty. We had 90 opts going into GDz, saw SE and Di (if im correct) fighting so we decided to ac for a bit, after we hopped i heard ROT crashed them. Hopped to a world with a clan called WL and they were warring another clan. We lost 10 opts after this. Since all worlds were with wars, we decided to go to the gap, and than caught DK pking from choas dwarves. Starting for KTS: 80 opts Starting for Dk: 105+ opts After waiting for a bit, we decided to claim the win as we assumed DK walked out. Ending opts for KTS: 72 opts Ending opts for DK: ??? (walked out)
  12. Jabo (KW leader) had asked me a few weeks back for a war, we were very busy back than, so I finally decided to ask Jabo myself, for a week prep pkri with just ranged war or melee and binds or a pvp war. he declined it so we both agreed to a cwa full out opts. KTS memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=wally1 KW memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=kingofwild Starting for KTS: 38 (2 dc's) Starting for KW: 31 KTS Starting: KW Starting: KW decided to pile me first as I was leading first, I managed to tank out for 5 kills, we sticked to mid lvls and took out thier binders quick, while KW piled one of our fall in leaders/tankers again, Wallyballin. KW ended up killing 2 in this war and 2 DC's from KTS, while we did our best with swift kills. Ending for KTS: 34 Ending for KW: 0 Random pictures Thanks for the fight King of wild. Lets keep this up KTS. ;) Vid:
  13. Death Legions had a war scheduled with a different clan, unfortunately the clan they were warring with, they cancelled on Death Legions, so one of thier members came by to ask me and Zsedeny for a late night matched opts war. I accepted since some of our members were willing to to war at this time. Death Legion's memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=deathlegions Kissing the Shadows' memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=wally1 Starting for KTS: 14 Starting for DL: 14 Death Legions started thier pile on one of our new comers (mech ninja1) while we piled one of thie mid levels (Drex - lvl 113) Ending for KTS: 10 Ending for DL: 0 Random Picture: ^ Soccer lane went out of bounds by mistake so he gave you guys free hits. (read the public chat) It was fun, sorry we couldnt accept your rematch it was getting late and some people had to go, but thanks for the fun clean fight.
  14. Ohh I didnt know Faith was a dutch clan, thanks for pointing that out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Di2Rra1CoGI
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