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Everything posted by Phray

  1. Could me and my friend duo Bandos successfully for loot/money? My Stats: (Hp/Atk/Str/Def/Sum/Pr) (Future) 80/80/80/80/52/60 His stats 99/99/99/99/69/80
  2. That would successfully make mage overpowered compared to the other two.
  3. I don't have enough points to skip this task, but I don't want to Burthorpe it, so I have to do it. What's the best way for me to kill 41 Bronze Dragons?
  4. Okay, so I'm assuming Barrows is better than Bandos. Which armor pieces/sets should I get? I already have Verac's top and full Guthans. Unfortunately, I don't really have anything that'll help me with melee other than that. Should I buy verac skirt and train with verac top and skirt forever? =O
  5. Is there a trick on how to be a defender in Barbarian Assault? I always have a tough time on defender, and I really want to get a fighter torso.
  6. Maybe this information might help: Source: http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/The_Lost_Tribe
  7. I want to get good armor that doesn't degrade. Granted, I can get Dragon chain, but I'd still need the money.
  8. It'll take around 36k monks for me to fish to get 15m. How long should that take, generally?
  9. Right now, I'm at 250k, and I want to make around 13-15m for Bandos Chestplate and other armor/weapons. Any ideas? Here are my stats; I just can't seem to make money... Help? ]':
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