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Posts posted by Amundogus2

  1. Oh my god Tip.It. This is disappointing. Half of you are acting like small kids, crying because they didn't get the lollipop that the next door neighbour got.

    Its a GODDAMN FLAG! Sure, its a pretty cool item, but its not like something was stolen from you.

    Heck, I have a whole lot of water to cross to get over there, and I'm not going to do it. But I'm not gonna whine that somebody else gets the fun.


    EDIT: And its NOT a microtransaction. Its a gift. You pay for the event. Then you get a gift. An entirely useless gift to remember the event by. Geddit?

    But what will end up happening is many people will just buy the tickets so they can get the item.

    Thats up to them, isnt it? They're abusing the system. Its still not microtransactions.

  2. Oh my god Tip.It. This is disappointing. Half of you are acting like small kids, crying because they didn't get the lollipop that the next door neighbour got.

    Its a GODDAMN FLAG! Sure, its a pretty cool item, but its not like something was stolen from you.

    Heck, I have a whole lot of water to cross to get over there, and I'm not going to do it. But I'm not gonna whine that somebody else gets the fun.


    EDIT: And its NOT a microtransaction. Its a gift. You pay for the event. Then you get a gift. An entirely useless gift to remember the event by. Geddit?

  3. Much of the nifty new gear they put in Dungeoneering is also going to waste because of the thoughtless binding system.


    Yesterday when playing with two others I got a primal plateskirt. Okay, it looks neat, but what am I going to do with it? It's cool but has half the stats of a promethium platebody, and I need my weapon. So it goes to waste.


    Same with most of the other primal drops and a lot of the other fancy stuff. I like maging but if I want to do it I have to either do it with no gear or waste time on every floor making robes and a staff. It's usually not worth it: when I solo a floor takes 20 minutes, and in groups everyone is in a big hurry.


    Who is ever going to use a guardian ward or absorption boots or a fireburst defender for more than 15 minutes?

    Slaying dinosaurs and making armor out of them is the best thing about Dung IMO =) And how long does it really take to make some gear? Not very long. Can you really tell me you can kill a boss without dying and without any gear?

  4. I think actually the knowledge base is wrong about these wards. I mean, +80 attack bonuses for a shield, that's too good...


    On the spear being the best overall: I guess like others have said that it's mostly for solo. I can imagine that a celestial staff (+30% magic attack and hopefully damage too?) would for instance own in teams, same for a primal 2H or maul. You just need someone to back up your weakness.

    Ranged however, is just weak IMO. I tried the tier 11 longbow with the tier 11 arrows, and still wasn't impressed at all. Longbow isn't fast at all, and dishing out only 190s at that speed is just poor. Maybe the tier 10 shortbow is better, but still. So far, it's only usefull at some bosses, but that's merely because of the weakness of the other styles, or some practical (running, or monsters having special attacks when you are closeby) issues.

    In my experience ranging seems to work just as fine as anything else. And thats with a tier 10 bow and tier 8 arrows.


    That being said, everyone seems to go the meele route. I have barely seen any mages, which is really sad, because you really need all three styles to be the best you can. Everyone going meele just doesnt cut it. You're kind of required to have 77 RC to mage though, to be able to make blood runes. I might consider getting it... and get from 87-90 mage while I'm at it.

  5. I may well be wrong - but from the video I'd kind of suspect that that's simply been done for the trailer, rather than an actual new interface? Seems like it doesn't quite 'follow' as being a standard interface, more so the way the text moves looks like it's just done for a trailer rather than in-game effects.


    Yeah I agree with you on that too, looks like they just added the sword over the equip interface. Although it would be useful to get the stats of an item on their own.

    Good point. It doesn't seem like they put a lot of effort into this trailer though, so I don't know =/

  6. So it seems the members info page got an update (the one on the sidebar on runescape.com), and it shows some rather uninspiring scenes along with what appears to be a new weapon view thingy. Check it out for yourself, so I don't have to bother trying to explain it <_<


    Members info page


    Credit to Condor85 for uploading the video to YouTube, and Bored231 for kindly providing me with a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jGSSwTxTRE



  7. DId anyone else notice fishing exp is nerfed in the dungeon? :thumbdown:

    Yep, I think salve eels were over 200 xp in thebeginning;


    Just another example of just how poorly integrated Dung is to the rest of the game.


    Many pages ago, training of the other skills was one of the cool points about Dung. HA FREAKING HA.


    The developers keep finding new ways to distance Dung from the rest of RS.


    I fully expect all the runes to be renamed in Dung 2.0, and for any skill you train in the hole other that Dung to give negative XP.



    To be fair, it's easy to see Jagex would like Dungeoneering to be easier if you HAVE the other skills, not to be the place to train the other skills. What they're likely doing is monitoring XP gain in all other skills while in the dungeon. If something pops up as leveling pretty high in a dungeon, they'll investigate and see if it's unbalanced. As time goes on, expect to see XP nerfed as players unintentionally reveal to Jagex the exploits.


    PS: I really like the Tier level for the fires. That's something Jagex should implement with firemaking skill in real Runescape. I'd cook on a Magic log if it reduced my shark burn rates at least 2 per load.



    At the moment spending time in the dungeon nets me negative experience and negative coins.


    The experience for most skills is so badly nerfed that it's a joke.


    There is no point in training rc at the dungeon it's nearly impossible. Even a new character will barely level now with how badly it's been nerfed.

    Runes should just directly be sold by the trader.


    Fishing was a nice little bonus as there is such limited stock the fish run out quickly and some maps don't even have fishing spots.


    I liked seeing that while I spent time in the dungeon (who willingly spends time in a dungeon anyhow?) I was at least compensating for the poor dungeon exp by levelling other skills a bit.


    And when the skill/minigame came out wasn't one of it's selling points that it will integrate skills AND allow new ways to level existing skills?



    Anyhow I just hate that basically I'm getting negative experience and negative coins while levelling dungeon.

    In the time I spent dungeoning I could have been earning gp and levelling other skills at a decent rate.


    Some of the dungeoning token rewards are interesting but at the moment I think their true cost is far too high.


    I don't see how it would have been difficult to implement a cash loot reward system after killing the bosses that is directly deposited to your bank. As it is most boss monster drops aren't that great. So many other skills earn you gp, this skill is such a neutral skill that almost loses you coins because of opportunity costs.


    This minigame/skill is so distant from the rest of rs it's like a self-contained bubble, complete with untradeable rewards.

    Oh yes, you could have grinded A LOT instead of playing something that actually requires skill, is very fun IMO and isn't just braindead clicking.

    Of course you dont get much xp in the dungeon, you're training Dungeoneering! Not rc -_-

  8. I am surprised nobody tried to connect this to blizzcon.


    Runefest 2010? Blizzcon 2010? The pre-fix of the word defines the company, for example Rune for Jagex and Blizz for Blizzard. 2010 for the date? The format for the event title is EXACTLY THE SAME! It is obvious this is a pathetic attempt trying to copy Blizzard. Lastly, booze? They have booze at Blizzcon too! It is too obvious.


    In other words, this sounds pretty..wierd. I mean I care enough about Jagex that I am a bit worried if only like 5 people bought the tickets. But it is also wierd to think hundreds of people will come to the event and talk about Runescape.




    Keep in mind there are millions of players. if even 0.5% of the players showed up, it will be packed.

    That'll be 25000 people..... I wonder how large of a place they've got :o

    0,1% and we're talking =)



    I am surprised nobody tried to connect this to blizzcon.


    Runefest 2010? Blizzcon 2010? The pre-fix of the word defines the company, for example Rune for Jagex and Blizz for Blizzard. 2010 for the date? The format for the event title is EXACTLY THE SAME! It is obvious this is a pathetic attempt trying to copy Blizzard. Lastly, booze? They have booze at Blizzcon too! It is too obvious.


    In other words, this sounds pretty..wierd. I mean I care enough about Jagex that I am a bit worried if only like 5 people bought the tickets. But it is also wierd to think hundreds of people will come to the event and talk about Runescape.



    For a start I've never heard of Blizzcon but if you could just let me, for arguments sake, rip apart your post for a moment.


    Runefest - Blizzcon. If the names were comparible it would be called Jagcon or WoWfest. One takes the beginning of the game name and attaches Fest to the end, the other takes the Developers name and attaches Con.


    I dont know if you've ever heard of Comic-Con (ext 1970) or Dragon*Con (est 1987), Silicon (1986), UberCon (2002), Starcon (1973) and MAGFest (2002) [i could go on and on] but there have been gaming conventions for just generic "everything goes" to specific ones for D&D or Magic The Gathering for YEARS going back into the 70's and probably earlier. Blizzcon wasnt the first of its kind for ANYTHING, why must people always compare Runescape to WoW as if it invented everything?


    Booze... considering its a big event where most of the people are adults it makes sense to have a bar. I just hope they don't sell any Wizards Mind Bomb as I don't want to get lost on the way home.


    The format for the event is pretty standard Convention type event, there is northing here that particularly copies Blizzard over any of the other gaming conventions that have been held in the last 40 years.


    I would be worried if only 5 people bought tickets too but I think we both know thats pretty unlikely. As for hundreds of people coming to the event to talk about Runescape... isn't that the point?


    You arguments comparing Blizzcon and Runefest is one of the worst constructed posts i've ever seen. Epic fail.



    And something extra

    "On April 24th 2010, Jamelia announced her plans to attend Runefest, an event hosted by the online gaming company Jagex"

    Soure: Wikipedia (though i'm pretty sure its just someone taking the piss lol)


    He's joking..... way to waste your time :rolleyes:

    But yea, irony should be banned from the face of the earth.

  9. Meow. Another 99 down. Row #4 completed. I got 3.3m experience yesterday and like 2m experience today. Yeah, I got like 93-99 in 2.5 days. It's a pretty easy skill if you like pyramid plunder. I wasn't graced with any sceptres though. =(


    I like doing one round of Pyramid Plunder just to test it and getting scepter :D:D


    99 and no scepter is just....epic fail -_-

  10. It seems like they have tried to correct their previous mistakes (firemaking being useless, combat styles being unimportant, etc...) and put it in a small "runescape as it should be", and then called it a skill. :-)

    Indeedo =)


    From the Dung Q&A:



    "I am going to be brief


    One) In reward batch 2, will the armor/weapon skins be released? They just look so cool and it feels like waste of development time if players can only use them in D'eering.



    Two) The combat triangle is very balanced in D'eering, warhammers have same speed as longswords etc etc. Are you using Daemonhelm as a beta test area for future combat triangle balances?"




    1. The armour in dungeons have been designed in isolation from the rest of RuneScape, so using it outside of Daemonheim would result in a lot of very bad clipping issues.


    2. I'll take that as a compliment, thank you. From a personal point of view, it was great to be able to just rebalance all armour and weapons in the dungeons and NPCs along with them. However, doing so outside of Daemonheim would have a massive impact on the rest of the game. So no, this was not meant to be a beta test, but more of a wonderful opportunity to ignore everything that already existed and start with a clean sheet.

  11. Mors Ferres asked:


    Do you plan to change dungeoneering to make it more "skillish" inside Runescape?


    e.g. add new dungeons/new areas to preexisting dungeons that require a dungeoneering level to access?

    Or do you plan to keep the minigame feel and comparative uselessness to the actual game that it currently has?




    Thanks for your question.


    Without giving too much away, there is definitely more to come in regards to updates around the Dungeoneering skill, including how it will tie in with the rest of the outside world of RuneScape.



  12. The thing i really don't get it that people can't seem to think that there is like a 99% chance that we get some new dungeons to explore icon_wall.gifit's not like they only release one dungeon in all of the skills life, try and wait 6 month and i think we have alot more dungeons to lvl in.

    6 months and alot more dungs.... do you even know how long they spent on this one dung...? -_- We'll be getting a second part of the skill soonish, but after that we'll have to wait for a long time if we're gonna get any new dungeons I think.

  13. Ok, Im up to lvl 41 now I think, which meens I can make a fair judgement I think.


    I honestly was a bit disappointed at release, but all that has gone ^^ This game (ye, it feels like a seperate game) seems so polished, and I cant wait for the second batch =) What I love about it is the diversity of the tasks you perform, and the fact that I continually discover new content as I level. I really like the teaming aspect of it aswell, and how that was reinforced in a good way (for example you don't have to do the floors in a set order after resetting, making it easier to make teams).


    One of the few downsides is created by players rather than the developer, some people just seem to not want to stay in spirit of the game and (luckily) loses massive amounts of xp in doing so. I'm talking about the people who just rush bosses until they're dead, dying 1-10 times in the process. It really ruins alot for me, especially when they call me a leecher because I didn't immediately run into the boss room with 3 food on me =/


    Other than that its very enjoyable though, and who knows, maybe people will come to their senses after a while.


    It doesnt feel very skill-ish, thats true. But it doesnt feel very minigame-ish either, so I dunno where they should put it tbh xD Not that it really matters ^^

  14. @@silentc0re That's the first part of Dungeoneering - http://[Censored - Don&#39;t use a URL shortner]/bfPjiD for more. Ajd


    I knew a second batch of rewards were coming, but is it more content as well? :o


    Of course, I mean the final boss right know requires a measly level 66, kind of anti climatic no? All the journals points out there are five demon generals in total with the leader demon possibly as the final boss(or Bilrach as a secret boss that can only be fought with maxed 5 men teams on large dungeons?)


    Oh really? :o Thats awesome ^^ I was wondering why noone was posting info about the end of this dungeon...

    Strange that they didnt mention it though (except in a forum post I'm sure). And I thought Dung already was pretty epicly rich in content...




    Notice how the chronicles of bilrach fills the entire box like that.


    The full thing will most likely have 32 parts meaning that if level 67 or 69 (floor 34 or 35) gave you part 17 then you'll probably get part 32 from somewhere around level 120.


    e: oh and there is five dungeoneering specific slayer monsters listed in the slayer guide. Only the night spider can be found from floors 1-35. (actually 25-30 ) The rest will probably be spread in the latter floors.

    Ye, I was wondering where the big eyeballs were hiding ^^ Now thats very interesting info =)

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