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Everything posted by howbadisbad

  1. Youtube HD Video - This video will cause high CPU usage, to view the video in a lower quality, please click . Had to post it
  2. Maybe because in safe pvp you wear better armor :-?
  3. It really doesn't. From who have you heard this? It's a "friend of a friend" thing. :lol: Someone in my clan chat said that he's friends with some of the top dungeoneers, and they apparently told him that augury does increase magic damage. I remember somebody posting a picture of the stat adjustments with Augury activated, showing it increases your Magic by 20% and NORMAL Defence by 25%. She didn't say anything about it actually increasing damage though. Interesting. Edit: If Augury really does increase your max hit by 20%, Ice Barrage maxes at 588 with an arcane stream necklace, a chaotic staff and Magic Focus' scrolls... lol. Not exactly on topic but has anyone confirmed or denied this yet? Do not refer to the KB please :rolleyes:
  4. That is incorrect. I have been on numerous trips with friends where one of us has maged, another ranged and the other meleed. From what we gathered using claws of guthix and charge, the magic generally out hit the range. That was with 99 Magic and ahrims top/bottom. No Stream or Arc ss. SO maging would be a fine option. Just don't forget that you will still need to melee in the form of Darklight. If magic is outdamaging range, then you are doing it wrong. Yes I am probably doing it wrong. Did you really feel the need to say that lol? Kinda makes you look ignorant. Read the other posts if you disagree with me, you'll find that you're wrong. Really, none of them stated magic has less or more dps than range. I have maxed mage bonus (arcane stream instead of 3a ammy tho) I can switch pretty fast too and even if normal spells won't work I'll just use ancients.
  5. That is incorrect. I have been on numerous trips with friends where one of us has maged, another ranged and the other meleed. From what we gathered using claws of guthix and charge, the magic generally out hit the range. That was with 99 Magic and ahrims top/bottom. No Stream or Arc ss. SO maging would be a fine option. Just don't forget that you will still need to melee in the form of Darklight. If magic is outdamaging range, then you are doing it wrong. Magic has a higher DPS than range so you are doing it wrong. As far as i'm aware, and this is true for any other demon, demons are extremely weak to all magical attacks, with tormented ones not an exception. Magic is great to use there if you have a team of four as you can kill loads in that way, but of limited use when soloing as the dps just isn't fast enough. It might be worthwhile with a steel titan as you could cover all the bases then, but the fact that you need 4 piles of runes is a huge turnoff. Demons aren't particularly weak to magic. Most demons have low defense in general. TDs are much differnt from your average demon. I've tried Ice Barrage, and I failed quite a lot even in good magic gear. Then you must be doing it wrong since everyone else says mage is great for teams. Btw, your doing it wrong, apparently.
  6. Does magic hit enough that it would be worth using magic instead of melee with my low melee stats? Thanks in advance. (I can afford any type of gear tbh.)
  7. No they absolutely suck. Another range update fit for Jamflex I'm sure.
  8. just take like 10-15 antifires any wc axe liek 875 coins 5ish range pots everything else is just range gear (and an antifire shield if you didn't know :rolleyes: )
  9. Has to use magic to have a chance against magic. Oh god. I personally fully agree that mage is balanced, EXCEPT miasmics. :thumbsup: This has already been here but it doesnt help because its liek saying melee is balanced EXCEPT turmoil (prayers wise ofc) turmoil is still a part of it and making magic overpowered as a whole since mismics are included in magic. Why did it take this long to get here :wall:
  10. Has to use magic to have a chance against magic. Oh god. I personally fully agree that mage is balanced, EXCEPT miasmics. :thumbsup:
  11. Of course DPS doesnt always win, but good luck trying to KO when your opponent can eat twice, three, maybe even 4 times between hits. Claw spec is not reliant on speed. People can't simply eat eat eat eat eat the entire fight. You have to take a chance or you cannot win. Sure, you can slow melee, but I'm going to keep barraging you will you eat. Once you get low, one hit is all that is required. Lets not even forget you can eat at the maximum of 2 food per attack cycle, even if the opponant is pure melee. Safers can win, I've seen it happen quite a bit.
  12. GTFO. Seriously, go. They are beneficial to me and that is all I care about. :thumbup:
  13. What about green dragons? :???: Green dragons are good for nobody. High levels can get better money MHing and low levels can't get any kills. MHing? Monster hunting
  14. misasmic doesnt halve the attack speed :twss: you posted a hide tag of "4chan.org" then a smiley face, that had absolutely no purpose and was basicly spam also people saying miasmic halves attack speed, it does not Mod must have removed the picture :rolleyes: Also, KB is known to be unreliable.
  15. misasmic doesnt halve the attack speed :twss:
  16. howbadisbad

    spawn time

    Bigger worlds have less spawn time and I thought GWD was good cash? <.<
  17. I heard rumors that chaotic staff was gona be buffed to 25% damage boost. Thoughts? I heard rumors that bumping your own topics with borderline relevant videos and pie in the sky dreams gets you to be considered an attention seeker. Just my two cents. I said it had some chaotic staff clips and was just posting what I heard from a friend that in Batch 2 they would buff the chaotic staff and cbow. Seems like the outcome of whether magic is overpowered or not depends on if the player has mismics or not. Which pretty much ends up with Safe pvp = Magic is OP Dangerous pvp = Magic CAN be OP (if you risk more)
  18. My face when most of the kos and insane hits were with melee again. Oh you..... Didn't read the post [spoiler=You] I heard rumors that chaotic staff was gona be buffed to 25% damage boost. Thoughts?
  19. Chaotic Staff clips I do believe I saw a 49 with ice barrage somewhere in there.
  20. Which = more RWT Looks like Jagex lost those 50k subscribers for nothing :rolleyes:
  21. I duelled a friend yesterday, and his void range setup hit well on my +280 range defence. Well enough to take me to 200 lp before I killed him. Granted, he's 8 levels above me, but I was leeching all his stats and potted (he didn't pot). I also used dds specs (while he only used broads). And that's just the void setup, in Verac helm/skirt+arma plate his accuracy was a good as mine (again, just me potted) and I died. Now in pvp, Verac's + arma may be a lot to risk, but consequently you only have to hit on +200 range defence or less, as your opponent bring only rune as well. Bottom line: range is fairly accurate, not to say very good to tank with. L2farcast and miasmic plz If we start adding in so many new spell effects we might aswell make skills for range and melee too. Then call this World of Runecraft :thumbdown:
  22. I was wondering what you guys think is more useful, spectral or arcane? I have an arcane atm and if spec is better could I just trade my arcane for a spec or would I have to add items ect.
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