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Everything posted by ShaqAttaq

  1. If you are so bad at puzzle boxes they make you drop a clue I'm going to have to give you the FAIL medal.
  2. Ok this is weird, I just went back to the jail cell room for maybe the 15th time (kept checking back between the pub and that room) talked to everyone again, nothing different they all told me to go speak to Idria. I look away from the screen for a fraction of a second and when I look back the man dressed in black with a mustache is gone and replaced by Idria. I have no idea wtf is going on but I guess I can't complain.
  3. I've gotten this far in a breeze and now I'm supposed to show my sketch to "Idria" but I can't find her anywhere. Earlier in the quest she was in the Seer's pub but now she isn't, I've looked several While Guthix Sleeps guides and none of them say where Idria is when you need to show her the sketch. What am I doing wrong? :wall:
  4. I'd rather see them make wortwhile updates that make people raise the skill because it is useful, not because it is easy xp or they want level 99. There should be more challenging ways to raise skills that require the player to be more involved than simply click minimize RS, check back in 30 seconds and repeat, or skills that are constant clicking without actually doing anything. Having said that I think mining fishing and firemaking shoudl get some updates. I could imagine an update for fishing would be fishing from your own boat, and I don't mean anything like trawler fishing. The way I see it you're out there in the ocean or on a lake in a small rowboat peacefully fishing. You make the boat yourself out of your materials and the boat you can make depends on your fishing woodcutting and perhaps construction and crafting levels. Lower level boats would rot and start taking in water more quickly than a higher level boat. They would also not be so strong against a random event such as a wave which could send your boat tumbling away (agility and strength would help keep your balance.) Maybe a giant octopus could appear and attack you forcing you to either move or have a challenging fight (harpoon required) who knows what kind of loot you could get from such a mythical creature? Fishing from your boat wouldn't be all random events and sinking baots though. Your boat could hold lots of fish before returning to dock (amount of fish dependent on type of boat.) Perhaps some new types of fish could only be caught while on a boat or they can be caught much easier than fishing from the shore or a pier. Maybe at higher levels you can create larger boats that are able to hold several fishermen. Now you can go fishing off the coast of Karamja (or pretty much anywhere for that matter)and relax with your friends. Even higher levels could create even larger ships capable of carrying even more fishermen and have aother bonuses. Larger ships may even require people to serve as the crew, the captain, etc, while others are fishing but upon return everyone profits in reward and experience. This could even open up a whole new naval battle mini game which involves player made ships and crews going to battle against eachother. Do you have what it takes to be the captain of a ship or the admiral of a fleet or do you prefer to get your hands dirty and will work aboard as a seaman? I could also imagine there being hidden dungeons or caves scattered around runescape. You will be able to locate these ancient locations through your skills, logi and knowledge of Runescape among other things. Inside these hidden and dungeons tombs and temples lies great treasure but centuries of neglect has made them near inaccessible and extremely unstable. It is up to you and your team to excavate and explore them. This would be no easy task. Requiring precision teamwork and time. Excavating and exploring the temple will call upon your mining construction thieving and agility skills greatly. Lower leveled miners would dig the general digsite, higher level miners will come in to do more precision digging to prevent damage or a complete collapse of the ground. Carpenters would build scaffolds and supports to reinforce the area. Once inside you will be able to find ancient treasures and artifacts some which could be equipped, others displayed in a museum or you may just decide it look sbetter in your house. It could also be possible using a wide variety of skills to completely renovate the site. Doing al this sounds like a long and tedious process-it is, but the experience gained and other rewards you can get from it make this a more than excellent way to train your skills. Who knows what other things you may uncover from new areas to new monsters and items, the possibilities are endless. Ok I think I kind of got carried away with my post but I think I still made my point that I think skills should be able to be trained by actually doing things that are involved and challenging(at a decent rate, not like the current minigames), not just repetitively clicking the same rock or tree for three months until you're about to vomit. And I think those are pretty good ideas anyway and I could really imagine them being put in.
  5. My point is I'm asking what the hell "junk trading" is :|
  6. Upon first hearing the term I thought it was just selling crappy items in the GE but reading other threads mentioning "junk trading" has led me to see that it is not that but I have no idea.
  7. Opera. Not pointing any fingers at anyone in this thread but Firefox users tend to develop a sort of fanboy/girl mentality and they will put down other browsers without having ever used them. They act like using Firefox is cool and rebellious. Maybe it was two(?) years ago when FF was new and people started hearing about it, now there's just as many if not more people who use FF than IE.
  8. I have a quick question about kingdom management. I've read several threads about it and even the tip.it page but I'm still not sure about one aspect since I've seen many people say different things claiming them to be true. To get the most out of my money do I need to go back and get my favor to 100% each day or only before I collect my goods? Thanks.
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