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Everything posted by Derbo

  1. Didn't really think about it that way, thanks :) I'm currently slaying my way to 70 def, as I am sure I will enjoy the game even more with the 70 def benefits
  2. You've got nothing against my arguments + the whole lot of tif says you are wrong. my arguments are valid, so back off, lame creep. ON TOPIC: Perhaps we do need a dutch server, as one of the first questions players ask me is: "Nederlands?" if they are all playing in a dutch world, they don't have to ask that question and evybody happe =D>
  3. Experiments. got me from 70 to 85 str :) cockroach soldiers. got me from 85 to 87 str :P and slayer if you'd like (gonna get flamed for that :-# ) got me from 87 to 89 str + 85 att
  4. Right... After reading your post again I'd like you to read my post again and say: "whoops! My bad." Don't reply to this and learn to love cookies, damned!
  5. 1. yeah, they are too small indeed, but it's more of an effort to try and open the image, than actually going to runescape.nl :P 2. Who the hell is complaining? not me nor the topicstarter :) Only you are imo 3. 99% of people who play runescape already know English. This would just be an addition for the younger players who haven't already spent time learning English. As for me, my English has improved over the years playing runescape. 8-) 4. True that we don't need runescape in other languages, now we have to wait longer for each update, as everything has to be translated into multiple languages =/ English rocks imo. (also, each language is equal. You don't have to stress out that no language is better than English, now people will interpretate you claiming English to be THE language. (ooh btw, British people are Europe's worst linguists \ (the nice people of Luxembourg are Europe's best)) 5. I like cookies. AND SO SHOULD YOU.
  6. Holy hell, I did not know this :P Yeah, they said they are working on other languages and such. As for me, I would not play the dutch version :P everything sounds better in English 8-) Oh mijn god, dit is zo elite! Het godenzwaard van zamorak is om te winnen! Ik ben rauwe kreeften aan het kopen voor het maximumbedrag in de Grote Wisseling! And so on and so on \
  7. I was initiate pure, but I didn't notice the difference between 1 and 20 def. After a while I became rune pure, and till this day I have yet to regret it :) It is awesome. Nuffsaid. (me, I'm bored of 45 def and going for 70 next week :D)
  8. Woot I got it ! \ Black mask 4! after roughly 1050 kills : Black mask 1: after roughly 50 kills [hide=][/hide] Black mask 2: after roughly 150 kills [hide=][/hide] Black mask 3: after rougly 200 kills [hide=][/hide] Black mask 4: after rougly 1050 kills [hide=][/hide] This gives me an average of 1/363 drop rate, but that means.. nothing with only 4 drops lol :) I'm happy. and.. Black mask 5: after roughly 250 kills [hide=][/hide] Black mask 6: after exactly 47 kills :D same trip as mask 5 [hide=][/hide]
  9. Thanks for the fast replies everybody :thumbsup: (never experienced that on a forum) kc: 750, no mask, so my logic would be I'm getting one in the next few kills :D
  10. Well, if I go pk'ing now, I also risk about 250k :) can't loose torso => rune plate. plus zerker, rune legs, and sometimes rune kite (if I'm out of defenders) I want to go dharok pk'ing, I've always adored that, but the extra cb lvls.. aarch :D what to do..
  11. So far I'm up 8 snapdrag seeds in 2 hours :D But still no darned black mask#4 -.- kc since last mask: 700
  12. So I'm just really unlucky today :D I'll post when I get my fourth mask
  13. A few days ago I went black mask hunting and I've gotten 2 masks at an average of something about 1/125. Wearing ROW. Yesterday I went back, and after 50 kills I've gotten my 3rd black mask. yay. After that, I went on and killed 100 more. Nothing, 200 more. Nothing. 200 more. Still nothing. I am wearing my ROW, I try switching worlds, but it seems my luck has faded away. Now I want somebody to tell me to relax, because I'm about to get mask drop \ No, Maybe someone's got an average drop rate of black mask? Would appreciate it :)
  14. Actually the British are the worst linguists :D Cool, runescape in french :P Essayons, je vous dis!
  15. In my runescape career of being a pure, I started as a lvl 1 def pure. I stayed 1 def up to 75 attack and 85 strength. At a point, my cb lvl was I think 70, and I could get 4 speced at any time, just standing in wildy. I decided to get 20 def. At 20 def, being an initiate pure, I got some advantages. I got a prayer bonus and some defence against high blows. Also mith gloves were nice. But I grew some cb lvls and I found out the 4 spec ko wasn't gone. (now, instead of the 1 def pures spec'ing me to death, it were the rune pures.) After a while, I decided to get 45 defence and become a rune pure. Here I am, with 45 defence, 85 attack and 89 strength. I've got the barrow gloves and such, only need 94 mage for vengeance (yeah right, I'll rather have 5m cash) and firecape (perhaps at 80 ranged.) Wildy is gone, but we've got BH and PVP. I'm rune pure for a few years now (just re-entered the rs community, finding out about godswords and summoning and stuff like that) and I am seriously doubting about getting 70 def or not. I want to ask rune pures and ex-rune pures who've gotten 70 defence, what the disadvantages and advantages are. With 70 defence, I am also going to get 70 prayer for piety. The piety and barrow armour will help me alot at training, because I use up alot more food now. Is it worth getting 70 defence? I really want to know your opinions. But I am affraid there are people going to tell me I shouldn't be a bleep [kitty] and make my own decisions. I will make my own decision. I just want to hear about some experienced players who were in the same situation, weither they are happy about their 70 def, or weither they have remourse and want to go back to 45 def. Thanks for reading.
  16. OK, I still don't get it :P Probably because I've learned all of my English watching episode after episode of The Simpsons <3 Guessing a spirit is a drunk person or something? :P or a spirit drink has alcohol in it. And just bug-reported :)
  17. Talking about Jagex? \ Reminds me: When I was killing the Spirit Ghost in the Rum Deal quest, I examined it, and it said: 'The pun was intended.' How would this be a joke?
  18. So I just went pking cuz they said yay better pvp drops! I lost 350k, then I killed someone for 300k armour and d scim, the loot was a [deleted] glory and some astral runes.. anyways, I got 85 att on him, I clicked the thiny and it showed that 85 attack is a requirement for wgs. I did not know that, it isn't written anywhere :o
  19. I definitly support! This is an awesome and original idea! It fits so well in the RuneScape concept of JaGex :D Also, some new, skilltraining moneymaking skills would be very much appreciated ^^
  20. Yeah, only the plants were visible :P I ran towards my crops, and then screen went like that. When I ran out of that area it was normal again :D
  21. It's kinda explains itself :P I find it a cool picture actually :P
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