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Everything posted by Derbo

  1. I've got Tourette syndrome, which means I can get a permission slip from the doctor to get me some legal marijuana \ Haven't tried it (yet), cuz my pothead-friends are.. well, they are potheads.
  2. ^ Since they are dead.. would it work? Haven't done any barrowing in 3 years, quit after 60 dry chests (yes. 60 chests in a row without barrow item. 60.)
  3. No. I love pink, it's my fave colour, but not the Barbie-pink, the pink I like is more like this: WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP
  4. 1. I've got Tourette's 2. I spend all my money on my bike, a 88cc Honda z50j1 (monkey) 3. I'm a skateboarder for over 8 years now 4. My birthday is on Valentine's day 5. I'm addicted to The Simpsons (oldskool episodes) and everything Matt Groening wrote.
  5. NEVER train your defence by combat. Use quests to get to 45.
  6. cockroaches got me from 85 to 89 str and 75 to 83 attack at 45 def. They pwn :D
  7. Your shizzle stays in your bank. You can take out your member shizzle, but you can't put in any more shizzle if you use more than 48 slots. So if you take out your dragon boots, you can't put 'm back, forcing you to either hold them into your invent forever as f2p, drop 'm or get new membership. Oh yeah.. shizzle.
  8. You should really use guthans for healing and for healing only. If I were you, I'd sell guthans, buy back that whip, glory and d boots and go hunt green dragons for more cash.
  9. Thanks for the fast replies! ^^
  10. Okaaaay, Me and my friend see, we live in Belgium. Wij praten Nederlands en blabla, maar let's get to the point. Sometimes, in movies, you hear about someone saying.. SHHHH, x-nay on the 'something something'-nay! Like, 'shut the [bleep] up about that'. I know what it means, but I don't know how it works :D And I'd really like to know, so if anybody could explain this, that would be very kind.
  11. If you are doing nice high hits on your opponent for like 4 hits in a row, he has to eat for a while, which means not attacking you, which means anyone your combat lvl (or 10% + - ) can attack you.
  12. Use iron arrows and accumulator, iron is ftw compared to bronze (in long term goals that is)
  13. Def cape (t) and excalibur with castle wars armour (I think) is Thé most beautiful setup there is
  14. Go quest and train the memberskills. Quest away :D but perhaps magic for teleporting aswell
  15. d left half shield, when it was 5.2m. Sold it to a friend who ensured me it was 2m
  16. I'm sorry, but this isn't it either =( It really isn't that epic of a battle, all the little bald fat, red and blue dressed (I'll keep repeating that :P) guys could do was bash eachothers head in, and build stuff. The little fellows also could not wield weapons or wear any other armour, maybe I should have mentioned that before
  17. Nope, still isn't the one I'm lookin for =( The focus really is on the red and blue little bald fat men :P Please, someone with the superior knowledge enlighten me !
  18. I wish it was, but alas. I mean a very cartoony style game withouth anthique like scrolls and such
  19. This rings a bell, but it isn't the game I am looking for =( I'm talking about a very simple drawn game, really not something like travian, AOE, knights and merchants, but if anybody knows what I'm talking about, then it would be the red and blue dressed bald round men that would ring their bell :P
  20. Thanks, but unfortunatly it's not, the game I'm talking about wasn't that detailed. It was about a lot of bold fat guys (and the cameraview was much closer I reckon)
  21. THE NAME OF THE GAME WAS... BALDIES!!!!! :D :D :D thanks everyone, for trying to help :) If anybody could tell me the name of this game, I would be everlasting grateful! So I was having this nostalgic conversation with my brother, and we were searching the name of this game so we could download and play it again, but we don't have a clue what the name was =( It was a very cartoony style game (my bro says it was a 'rts') and you had to build buildings with your RED men, to fight BLUE men. The little guys were fat, and bald and were only wearing a blue or red coloured thingy. You could build castles and such (a castle being the best of the best) and I think you could upgrade throughout different ages. I think it has been 8 years since I've played this game. You'd have to download the game, it wasn't something on the internet. It wasn't really a game about different nations, all the little bald fat, red and blue dressed guys could do was bash eachothers head in, and build stuff. The little fellows also could not wield weapons or wear any other armour. It wasn't something like age of empire, but a little like beast and bumpkins (on the graphics side) this is beast and bumpkins => [hide=][/hide]
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