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Vezon Dash

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Status Updates posted by Vezon Dash

  1. Well... Have a comment and a friend.

  2. I already have a speech that I have to give in one of my classes next week. Calculus is being a [bleep], and the whole procrastinating thing doesn't help me either.

  3. Oh college shit... Oh so fun.

  4. Lol, you have no friends, and no comments.

  5. Busy bankstanding if my memory serves me right.

  6. I could have sworn that they did. Its probably because you are special. =)

  7. Oh? They don't appear on your profile anymore then.

  8. You deleted all of your friends and stuff? Interesting.

  9. Do good things in the future and never look back. Good luck with life mate.

  10. Shock the night!

    1. Kirschen


      Wouldn't it be hilarious if it involved a collar?

    2. Vezon Dash

      Vezon Dash

      I don't know the "the night" even has a neck for me to put a collar on.

  11. Much more better? Do I sense some Captain Jack Sparrow in your language?

  12. for special? More like SPECIAL-ED!

  13. Well. I suggest starting with episodes 1 and 2 from the first season. The first two episodes aren't all that good in my opinion, but they are essential for getting your characters straight. Proceed to watch them in chronological order. Like I said, don't pass judgment until you have seen episodes 3 and 4 since the first two aren't that good. Feel free to ask any other questions.

  14. Why not so no status? This isn't Facebook.

  15. Applejack as in the pony? What do you mean strange?

  16. I have a few reasons that I would rather not share.

  17. Get your [bleep] ass to add me on Runescape.

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