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Posts posted by AirWales

  1. Firemaking is absolutely useful. It gives woodcutters other suckers to sell their products to. Also the firemaking skillcape emote is awesome in my opinion. All skills have some purpose, sometimes purposes that Jagex didn't intend to have. Firemaking didn't have the intent that Jagex wanted but its still useful, again it gives Woodcutters the ability to branch out and sell their products to both F2P and P2P as they both have their own skill that goes along with wcing.


    Good point, I never really thought of it that way. Though if Firemaking didn't exist, logs would just be cheaper as there would be less skills (and therefore demand) to use them in. Unintended use I would say.


    I think the emote looks failed, like thieving and slayer >.>


    Also, logs that are cut for cash are not logs that firemakers use. (yews magics)


    You would be surpised how many people use yews and even magic logs for Firemaking. May I add Magic, Cooking and Fletching to your list of failed emotes?

  2. As players (and merch clans) control prices through supply and demand, there isn't really anything you personally can do. But think about this, prices of raw materials rise too, so it's not that much of a difference with most items. Maybe if Jagex just had fixed item prices for every item the massive item prices would be stable but that I doubt that will ever happen.


    Union of RuneScape Socialist Republics anyone?

  3. I don't remember much from my first day, but what I do remember from it is this:


    I made an account with a very random username with a few numbers in it (I didn't take the time to think about a good one), after which I furiously clicked 'continue' on tutorial island with the thought: "I'll be okay".

    I arrived in Lumbridge and I had no clue whatsoever on what to do. After wondering around Lumbridge and the very impressing castle for about half an hour, I logged out. Later that day (could have been a day later), I logged in again and a person showed me around only to log off around Falador because he had to eat dinner. That left me totally lost so I decided to make a new account, which turned out to be this one.


    Good times :thumbsup:

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