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Posts posted by AirWales

    • Most Runescapers will never square root a negative number
    • Most Runescapers will never finish school
    • Most Runescapers will never leave their basement
    • Most Runescapers will never reach the stars
    • Most Runescapers will never get it
    • Most Runescapers will never make it to 2736 overall
    • Most Runescapers will never buy a Wii Fit to lose weight
    • Most Runescapers will never love getting banned

  1. Depends on how you look at it really. 500k xp is 500k xp. The choice on how you use it is up to you, as there is no limit on which skill can use it. If you want to quickly use the 500k in 30 mins on summoning or prayer rather than spend it on lower skills the whole week to improve your hate-to-train skills that would be the players choice.


    You would have to weigh in what you consider more valuable for your XP, which is going to vary greatly for each player.


    And not saying it *has* to be done this way either, I was just a suggestion on what *I* personally would prefer.


    Yeah I guess you're right, as it takes more time to get 500K in lower skills because you have less stuff to train with.

  2. I wouldn't mind if they had this event more often, but differently.


    There should be a cap of 500k double xp (2.0x) earned over the course of a week (7days) rather than a time limit for a weekend. A time limit just puts to much pressure and feels like you have to grind as fast as possible. Just think of it as one big giant 500k SC tool, instead of a time-based-gind-as-fast-as-you-can system.


    If you limit the xp, to like 500k bonus xp, it also gives you more incentive to train lower level skills which the update was really intended to do anyways. 500k bonus xp really wouldn't do much when training a skill such as summoning to 99 from level 90, but wonders for skills such as agility or runecrafting which most people find the hardest to train.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset about the levels people got. I think its a good thing, I just would like to take the "rush as fast as possible" feeling out of it.


    Question: what about the people who purposly want to train a high level? I like the idea of not being put under pressure by the timer but isn't it a bit forcing you train lower levels by putting a cap on the maximum xp?

  3. I think they shouldn't use a multiplier that decreases over time. Why not make it 1.4x for the whole weekend or something. That would prevent getting insane ammounts of summoning/farming/someotherskills exp.


    They didn't do that because that would make people no life for 72 hours, which they don't want


    That's the reason why we have a 200M cap too <_<

  4. Great move to avoid answering to the topic at hand.


    This is a debate. If you can't stand a little sarcasm and some swearing to emphasise my point, then please leave.


    You're the one being immature and just plain ridiculous for sidetracking from the topic and clearly avoiding the issues I've raised.


    I disagree, what you are doing is opening up a personal attack.


    A personal attack is committed when a person substitutes abusive remarks for evidence when attacking another person's claim or claims. This line of "reasoning" is fallacious because the attack is directed at the person making the claim and not the claim itself.


    I find it remarkable that you don't know that this is something which is usually not done in a debate, considering you find yourself an intellectual. Also, your need for swearing just proves to me that you are incapable of having a normal and civilized debate with. For that reason, I won't continue to take part in this debate with you.

    On a last note, I noticed your very 'constructive' claims about my abilities in the English language are removed from your original post. I don't know if this is done by a mod (disregard this statement if so), but if you are going to critise me in such ways, please don't remove these statements. Otherwise people might get the feeling I get offended over something which isn't there..


    And thanks for correcting me Wachiru.

  5. It's for 2 days so they're going to change it back I guess. But it's their first time doing something like this so you can expect some inconveniences throughout the event (random event every 30 mins for example).


    O well it's free xp so i'm not too bothered.

  6. Bacara1138, don't tell me you haven't read a single thread on here about this update..


    Anyway in case you haven't, most people (including me) dislike it because we find it totally unnecessary (if you want to hit higher, go train your attack/strength). Personally, I also find it a huge slap in the face for people who have spend ages looking at a screen only seeing zero's, only to find that new players do not have to go through all this irritation.


    However, what makes it just utterly disgracefull for most people is the name. I've talked to tons of people and they all said the same thing; "I don't mind the new system, I just hate the name". A constitution is a piece of paper on which your rights are states, people have died for the contitution, and they're putting that in a game?! Words can hardly discribe how badly I dissagree with Jagex on this update.


    Anyway, hope that answers your question.


    What [cabbage].


    Totally unnecessary? Couldn't you read Jagex's reason for updating it? They wanted to make the game more enjoyable for the new players.

    Slap in the face? The game changes, in case you didn't know. Go and create a new account and restart if you're so jealous. So any update that makes the game more interesting for new players is a "huge slap in the face"? What kind of logic is this?


    The name is utterly disgraceful? I think your intellectual capacity and English vocabulary is even more disgraceful. As bacara1138 has said, Constitution can also mean "the physical character of the body as to strength, health, etc". Don't blame Jagex for your severely limited vocabulary.


    If you are so inmature that can only attack me on a personal level you should really ask yourself why you are finding yourself in this section of the forum. I think you should also seriously question yourself in regard to your respect towards other users. I won't get all furious and enraged when someone doesn't agree with my opinion, and neither should you when somebody doesn't agree with yours. Next time, please think before flaming at me just because I didn't express my opinion the way you like it.


    However, what makes it just utterly disgracefull for most people is the name. I've talked to tons of people and they all said the same thing; "I don't mind the new system, I just hate the name". A constitution is a piece of paper on which your rights are states, people have died for the contitution, and they're putting that in a game?! Words can hardly discribe how badly I dissagree with Jagex on this update.



    Many rpgs feature 'constitution' as a stat relating to healthpool, lineage 2 is one example.


    Its got nothing to do with an american legal system lmfao.


    I know it has nothing to do with a constitution, but the split second I read the name of the constitution skill, I associate it with a constitution. And there are countries outside the US with a constitution too..

  8. Bacara1138, don't tell me you haven't read a single thread on here about this update..


    Anyway in case you haven't, most people (including me) dislike it because we find it totally unnecessary (if you want to hit higher, go train your attack/strength). Personally, I also find it a huge slap in the face for people who have spend ages looking at a screen only seeing zero's, only to find that new players do not have to go through all this irritation.


    However, what makes it just utterly disgracefull for most people is the name. I've talked to tons of people and they all said the same thing; "I don't mind the new system, I just hate the name". A constitution is a piece of paper on which your rights are states, people have died for the contitution, and they're putting that in a game?! Words can hardly discribe how badly I dissagree with Jagex on this update.


    Anyway, hope that answers your question.

  9. -- How much have you spent on supplies?



    -- Where do you plan on training? CW will be very full.

    Edgeville. If it's too full probably Varrock-W


    -- How will you arrange your bank?

    Put my supplies in it..?


    -- Have you bought everything you need?

    Not much I need to buy, but yes.


    -- Which day will you start training?



    -- How will you avoid crowds?

    Find a very empty world I guess

  10. I don't agree on the fact that Jagex is powerless to the auto typers. They could just introduce a very strict policy where everyone who types an X number of lines per X number of seconds should be reportable. This would result in alot of very unhappy players and a ruined gaming environment to play in for the people who type fast by nature, but I don't have the feeling Jagex would care too much about that, should they actually introduce this.


    Anyway, I personally believe auto typing should be accepted if it's for the purpose of selling/buying items WITHIN the bounderies of the Grand Exchange. Any clan or other spam irrelivant to trading or the use of autotype outside of the G.E. should be reportable

  11. I think it's just downright idiotic that people still join merching clans, only to find out the friends of the clan leader (and the leader himself of course) are the only ones who make money.


    I do however still believe it's rather annoying if I have to pay 1M for flared trousers at the 15th, and only get 500k in return for selling it on the 28th, simply because of the fact that merch clans create a massive oversupply.

  12. If you are in need of reading posts which include constructive criticism, I suggest you to go to the suggestion forum.


    The way I like to see the rant forum is like an enclave within the RSOF, since almost anything goes here.

  13. Firemaking does have some use, but not a whole lot. I'm just dissapointed that Jagex doesn't take the time to use all it's potential, because it could be made so much better..


    Pfffffff, why stop at 100m firemaking? Just do 200m.


    If the colour red encountered blue in PvP, who would win?


    Hope you get the essence of that question...

  14. First thing I thought when I read the new update was: RuneScape now has a constitution? I personally coulnd't think of a worse name to give it. Also the fact that they stated that 'zero's are only makes matter worse for me. Not that i'm a die-hard combat player, but I just think it's all really unnessecary to make changes like this only to have 3/4 of the players complaining about it.

  15. I'm sorry Poopingman, but don't you realise that half the in-game community is around the age of 12/13? They don't care if you enjoy the game the way you do, they just judge you by their own 'standards', unfair as they might be. It's stupid and and everything which comes with it, but do you really expect otherwise? I do agree on your statement that Skill capes have become a priority goal in RuneScape rather than the fun of leveling but that's just (as you pointed out) due to poor management over at Jagex. My advice would just be go continue to play how you like it best, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

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